for me im using macbook atm just swap over from pc..its kinda simple and the deisgn is sleek and evil!!!
Mac. It's just near impossible to crash a Mac, I have received enough headache with the bluescreen to last me a life time. Also, most popular app have MAC version nowadays, so I don't really have to change my usage style. Plus, I loved the out-of-the-box and straight to working thing. Wonder why you should get a Mac? Let Apple tell you here But Macs are expensive :(
the only reason why i like pc over mac is because i dont like the mac interface. its just.. not flowing. altho i must say mac has cool features, and the os graphics are much nicer, i like pc more because i guess you can say im used to it. but as of now, im using a pc running xp/vista/osx what that means is that on an xp base, i have the vista look, with osx features. that way i have the best of both worlds. well or rather of all three worlds!
When you say mac are better in so many aspects, like what? Please don't just say they're better for multimedia and don't explain why.
I personally use Win XP cause I'm used to it and generally most programs are more compatible/designed to run in Windows. But i'm sure if i started off with OSX, I'd be used to it too.
It's really hard to say as it boiled down to personal preference. In my case, i've been using PC for all my life and i'm so used to the layout and all the shortcut key in window. but i can tell u that if you play games, PC is definitely your answer coz most games only support PC not MAC. i've been using my girlfriend and sister's MAC occasionally but i don't really like it. i guess i'm so used to PC. Nothing wrong with MAC, they're just as good.
Laughs, I guess that was one of the reason: no gaming for MAC ^^b I like Mac for its superior visual output, in terms of if I do graphics, most PC with their monitor, be it LCD or traditional (obsolete?) CRT, do not show the color properly. So when I print the graphics, it turn out weird :( But I do use PC at home... Sigh, until I can afford a MAC...
I am on a Macbook, the PC is better for multimedia. Hiak, that is cuz your coloring is messed up, all you have to do is to change the settings to correspond on screen color to what it really is the color of. If you mess up settings on an Apple LCD, the same thing will happen. IMO Mac + Stable Virtually risk free from viruses Cool look Good layout for the GUI - Eats more ram No Games (very few and if any, they come late) Not much app support (VLC/Firefox is much better on the Win XP) Not much codec support Lack of support by 3rd party