shoutdown faster: use xp-antispy and tick under Miscellaneous Settings >> Enable fast shoutdown EDIT: xp-antispy had a lot of untilitys you can use to optimize the performance of your system I hope it was helpfull ^^
DONT ASK FOR HELP OR QUESTIONS HERE! LIKE I SAID, POST APPS ONLY. ONE AND ONLY WARNING! IF A QUESTION NEEDS TO BE ASKED, SURE, ASK IN THE TECH SECTION NOT HERE. ps...zack1987...i know ur tryin to be helpful..but let them start their own thread about more answering quesitons or giving helps the forum for them to post in the tech section..not in this specific thread.. Knoc
A really good IM program is Trillian. Its good if you have alot of messengers. It combines all your accounts. And its resource friendly.
Yo let's Trillian sometimes -lol. But it ain't a freeware... so I don't think it should be in the thread yea?/ -Super Star -sorc
we'll....its not a big app..and u can find the torrent on it..however..for those of you that like a baisc chat client. Look into an app called Miranda. It does all trillian does, but without the fancy shit and what not: Knoc
Tweak Now Powerpack 2006 A super tool, to improve your computer performance. You can get this tool if you ask me viá PM... gez zack1987
How do i d/l and what is the best peer to peer program -huh? hahaha jk .... meh ... most neat stuff here
@ DragonLoaded: Come on... I just wanna have post -lol, because my office box is so empty gez zack1987 P.S: Nice site. Thank you