It says egg fried rice with chicken chow mein. Dim sum is really nice... Foreals, that poster needs to explain what he/she is trying to say.
i think what he's trying to say is: "That is what you get when you follow trends. Even the adjective trendy is just societal BULLSHIT. Even the fantasy world you made up as a child deserves more credit as it has more originality and creativity than what our world makes up due to the fact that people are becoming less individualistic and more zombie like by simply following what the mass media dictates; thus trendy." that's just my interpretation =]
Woah you structured it really well. Maybe when someone needs help on their english essays you could help xD
Once in class there were 3 people (dont know each other) wearing EXACTLY the same shirt, then some guy was like, 'hey you guys are wearing the same shirt!' Those 3 look at each other and everyone is class laughed. I think I can still get that pic for you guys
Lol this guy speaks as if he's a know it all, implying that the rest of us don't think at all. I still don't understand what you wrote because your english is terrible, and I'm not going to bother wasting my time trying to decrypt non-sense. Got better things to do.