People who can't drive

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Drunken_Idiot, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. superchrls

    superchrls Well-Known Member

    I've been rear ended 3 times. One was by a taxi on the highway. The other two I was stopped at a stop light. It wasn't even after a short stop. I was literally stopped at a red light both times and suddenly some dude plows me from behind.
  2. littleduck

    littleduck Well-Known Member

    hmm my driving is ok.. i think... whahahaha
    just need to pay lots of attention on the road... loll
  3. Yuhsuke

    Yuhsuke Well-Known Member

    u know what i hate more than bad drivers? people wearing black in the dark jay-waling. i especially hate when a dark skinned person does it. SOO HARD TO SEE THEM! its like they want to get hit.
  4. ralliart

    ralliart Well-Known Member

    I agreee, Their just asking to get hit. especcially on a rainy day tooo when the roads like a mirror. You mite as well just walk across Steeles Ave during rush hour. But Downtown jay walkers are the worst, hate to say it but......yah......:D
  5. my first post!

    anyways, if you guys are from the toronto area, esp markham, you will understand. because its basically turning to a mini china, you will witness the WORST DRIVERS, that can make it onto the show "canada's worst drivers", and im serious. i have so many stories, i dont know where to start. and yes, it tends to be middle aged asian women (not all women).

    a short story: i was walking across an intersection with the pedestrian signal on. then, out of nowhere, an old asian woman makes a left turn TOWARDS ME and narrowly misses me by a foot.. she ran a red light!

    then, she stares at me as if im some sort of freak who doesnt know how to read road signs.. i think before she cleared me, i hit the trunk of her car so hard, it might have made a tiny dent lol
  6. sn00py

    sn00py Well-Known Member

    I think driving depends on location. If you live in a rural area, you can drive conservatively. However, if you live in the big city, if you drive slow like an old lady, then you better stay off the road.

    It's call the survival of the fitest... some might see it wild but I call it skillful driving... Bad drivers are certainly not gender specific... there are many out there... Here is some food for thought... if a good driver is driving under the influence of alchohol, do you categories that person a bad driver?
  7. Lionheart153

    Lionheart153 Member

    I don't think asians are bad drivers. At least not here, all the bad drives here are white cokcasian males you know ricer wannabes
  8. ralliart

    ralliart Well-Known Member

    HEheee, Ricers, There are soo many around my area. lol
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    asians invented drift so we da best
  10. gahaha... that's the first time i've heard that term and it's sooo funni "ricers".. i have a few white riceres around the area but i'll be farked if they can get around me.. lol i'm sorta a nut of a driver when i wanna be :D i get really annoyed with those drivers that tailgate you when you're ALREADY speeding~! then i drop my speed even more.. wait til they try to go around and pass me .. downshift a gear or two depending what the conditions are and make sure they never get passed me or ever get a chance to overtake~! hahahaha
  11. person

    person Well-Known Member

    I hate bad drivers... I hate it when I'm cut off, or some stupid idiot runs a red light cause they don't wanna stop... or another who keeps turning from lane to lane... many times I've wanted to get out of my car, pull the drivers out, and beat the hell out of them... they annoy me so much...
  12. ralliart

    ralliart Well-Known Member

    Everyone knows asians are the "REAL" Ricers. lol. With their lowered honda civics (Not always) with HIDs and Straight through exhaust pipes and racing stickers on the side looking like a race car, lol. Go to Pacific Mall, You'll see alot in the parking lot. hehee
  13. Hehe damn right we are~!! -rockon but i don't have those "racing stickers" on my prelude.. haha it's like they say " hey come steal me" lol i don't think i'd ever put those steal me stickers on my car haha :D
  14. mugenhonda

    mugenhonda Member

    Wouldnt it be funny if an Evo pulls up behind you?
  15. yea.. now that's an experience i haven't had yet and don't think i'd want to . hahaha...
  16. the greater toronto area... scary place.. esp during rush hour..

    in markham, toronto chinese central, most old chinese women i come across usually try to kill me... i go WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU and they look at their steering wheel and try to ignore me.

    during rush hour, when theres 10 km of traffic, i notice that some (and the majority of these drivers are women) just cut thru the Y-split at an exit if you know what i mean. they cut the line up so they dont have to wait. rude ppl...

    BUT i dont mean all women are bad drivers, only those that i notice =) that includes the men
  17. gyyr2

    gyyr2 Well-Known Member

    In the UK, in the old days, drivers were very polite. They let you pass, don't horn and give way to your car. As there are more and more immigrants coming into the UK the standard of driving have come down- now they swear at you, drive very close to your bumper and hoot to get you scared and out of their way. Safest way is to travel by public transport. The exception is when the driver of the bus you are in is also an immigrant!! and you experience what I've just stated.
  18. tvb_junkie

    tvb_junkie Member

    I only really hate people who tailgate you when you have no place to go. I don't drive slow, but I like to leave myself enough room following someone. If they are going slow, I'll be going slow too, but inevitably someone will be all over me. I don't have a tall car like SUV's so people should be able to see in front and back off a little.
  19. nicole

    nicole Well-Known Member

    I still don't understand how women can drive, fix their hair and put make-up on without getting into accident.
  20. i still don't understand how women can drive at all lol (well only the women in toronto ;) )

    all the bad drivers i witness are usually always women, and you gotta be careful not to let them crash into you.

    i love women and all, but seriously... toronto women should be careful...