People who talk REALLY loud

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by wasabi_wasabi, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. donkeyhit

    donkeyhit Well-Known Member

    if u have the guts... just tell them to stfu... i mean whatever can we really say...

    but i truly hate people who talk freaking loud... my way is just ignore them... and if i think i'm bigger than that person.. i'll tell that person to sthu =)
  2. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    bigger doesnt make you fight better
    fight smart
  3. donkeyhit

    donkeyhit Well-Known Member

    but bigger does have the advantage =)...
  4. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    they hit harder
  5. donkeyhit

    donkeyhit Well-Known Member

    aint even the reason... you flex... the kid will cry to his mom...
  6. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

  7. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    hmmm .... by big do u mean muscle, tall or fat ???

    will vary dependin on those variable on who will hve the advantage
  8. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    when you are youug
    fat and tall can beat short and skinny
    hard to find a musclar one when you at age 5-7

    when you big you need muscle of course to beat people
    if 2 guys one is muscular than the other. the chance the bigger guy will win
  9. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    yeah all the fat dude has to do is sit on the person and he wins -lol
  10. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    not really
    hard to sit on someone
    they have bigger arm therefore it hit hard
  11. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    but fat ppl tends to b slow

    i was being sarcastic with the sittin thing btw -lol
  12. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    well they hit you once
    it hurt more than you hit them 5 time
    their fat kinda like a pillow cushion protecting them
  13. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    if i was skinny and i was in that situation i wuld leg sweep the fat dude and i will kick his "pride and glory" (ahem ... his johnny)
  14. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    hard to sweep them
    kick them in tehir jewel is the only survived choice you ahve
  15. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    yeah .... i guess in the end only a mucle can stand up to a fat lol
  16. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    then it matter who hit the jewel first
  17. blizzard

    blizzard Member

    my parents talk REALLY REALLY loud... i guess you get used to it...
    but i can't stand on publice transport its like they want to let the whole world know what they are talking about gesh...
  18. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    lolz yea
    it sucks
    if they speak a foreign langaue
    and some people think you did somehting wrong and they think your parrents are yelling at you instead of a basic conversation
  19. momo

    momo Guest

    ^yeah, i hate it when parents do that. it seems as if the whole world is looking at u + ur psychotic family.
  20. don

    don ello

    omg my mom speaks so loud when she's on the phone.....seems like she's always yelling rather than talking on the phone......she talks in the living room and i can hear it upstairs in my room door closed