LOL...well...big chested gurls have big problems wen ur in PE class...nd ur doing goes up and down.. lol..and sometimes...wut u wear looks odd...and i would totally pick perfect face..hehe like...dats wut u get artacted to rite? u wouldnt look a persons body somecases.. yes...but majority u wont..
perfect face - n average body - though there r ppls hu wd spend bare on plastic surgery 2 jst sort out their bodies - insted of exercising 2 get a more sexier n defined body =P
hmmm....does it matter what kinda bra they wear? either way it goes up and belive me... thers this really bitchhy gurl in my gym class...i have to admitt she has the perfect body....shes not all that pretti....but some guyz still go out wif her....they say...its wut underneath that counts...after the lights are off... urgh...i cant belive it...but u gotta...
i find it funny, that some people would post pretty face/body, but then add "because the face/body can be changed" .... hahaha. that isn't choosing one choice -- that is choosing both, because in the end you want that person to have both a pretty face and pretty body. personally, i would choose face. unless the relationship is purely physical, with no conversation and verbal communication to the other party. a beautiful face is comforting to look at and give comfort too.
face ! =) face you can never change, unless they are willing to throw lots of money to have plastic surgery ! >_<" body you can work out .. and yeh eventually their body would be "perfect" . But everyone has their own definition of the word "Perfect"
i chose the perfect face to because u always can do something about your body without havindg al lot of money
Pretty face. You don't want to wake up with your better half yelling "kwai" (Ghost!) as your first word of the day. heheheh....