Picture of your aquarium and all!

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by don, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. don

    don ello

    Congos are beautiful, especially when they're fully grown! And they're not cheap at all lol
    Yeah I'll try to lower down on the lights. Perhaps it is the phosphate level and go check out some oto cats :)
    I'm so tempted to start up a new only discus tank but I guess it's too much commitment for me right now since I don't see myself having time doing daily water change/monitor water conditions :(

    Never really thought of that but I tend to turn it off when I'm off to bed lol
    I'm sure they're able to see in the dark and bot bump into the glass haha they sleep during the night!-roflyawn
  2. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    lol. like any type of animal, fish would also need some rest. unless they are nocturnal, vice versa. ;)

    tell me about it, i remember paying $20 each for a 3 inch congo tetra before, now the price has gone down, like $6 each for a 2-2.5 inch.

    yea, check the phosphate and nitrate, since high nitrate can cause algae bloom. so frequent water changes should take care of that. otto cats will do, but if you want something more fancy a bushy nose pleco would also do the job and look a lot cooler. :D

    do it!! discus are nice and all, but a little too boring for me. i'm really into oddballs and monster fish at the moment. can't wait till my catfish becomes a beast -pirate
  3. don

    don ello

    ^^ too much work, im just going to focus on my planted tank for now dancey1 and maybe look out for some cheap cardinals

    btw got 3 new fishes today :D
    where's waldo? -sorc
    otto cats! i saw my angels chasing them lol maybe thinking they were blood worms haha
    and a new plant that's from tropica denmark I found at a local fish store......it's called "glossostigma elatinoides" some good foreground plant!
    and my panda cories that's been around for a couple of weeks now:)
    plus one of my two congos.....so hard taken a picture of these things lol
    #23 don, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  4. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    i see the otto cats are doing their job :D

    it would be a long time before those glossostigma cover your tank, but it would definitely make the tank look a lot nicer.

    you should consider adding one nice piece of drift wood, it will make it look a lot better from what i think :p
  5. don

    don ello

    ^yeah drift woods are nice with a little java moss and fern on it, im looking around but my tank is quite small for it lol :)

    glossostigma are giving me a headache......every morning I see some of it floating on the top haha i suspect it's my angel taking them out so I took the pair out to my 10 gal
    i guess it could also be the pandas lol
  6. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    how big is the tank again?
    I'm pretty sure you'll find something... no wood is too big for an aquarium according to takashi amano :p

    that's too bad...angels are always trouble makers xD

    any new addition to the tank?
  7. don

    don ello

    33 gallons

    that guy is amazing! :bowdown:

    dad brought home some wood, and a fluval co2 88 kit so a new makeover on the way HAHA, will probably move the 2 angels to the bigger tank cause they keep eating my plants lol

    also got a pair of small brilliant turquoise discus in my 10 gal....couldn't resist them lol dancey1

    so new pictures soon :D
  8. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    that's a workable tank size, definitely add more plants to hide all the equipment in the back.

    looking forward to the new arrangements... and is that the new co2 that hagen is coming out with? gotta keep me updated on that, tell me how well it performs. :shifty:

    man...i gotta get more fish food...running low...and this stuff ain't cheap lmao.
  9. don

    don ello

    new co2 kit :jump:

    same 33gal tank with the new wood :D definitely need more plants but not cheap at all! lol

    couldn't resist these two 2'' brillant blue turqouise discus for my 10gal.....will need to find them a bigger tank later on lol
    i pretty much try and do two 50% water changes everyday and feed them like three times a day with frozen blood worms, yeah food aint cheap -woot2

  10. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ wahhhh the pink ones are so prettttyyyy..!!!!
  11. mochi

    mochi Well-Known Member

    hehehe so many "gum yu lo" here. but, nice tanks. I sorta want one too now. The upkeep is a lot of work though isnt it..?
  12. don

    don ello

    the lighting makes it look pink but it's actually blueeeee :laugh:

    depends on what kinda fish you want to keep...... definitely not a cheap hobby once you get serious into it haha and want to keep the tank nice
  13. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member


    tank is looking nicer every time, that piece of wood is sickkk. man...those turquoise got some nice hi-fins. -rockon

    don is right depends on what kind of set-up, my catfish cost me $90CAD @ 5", and that was a very good bargain as they can go up to anywhere from $250+ at that size. Tank set up do vary. :p
  14. don

    don ello

    update! dancey1 plants have grow quite a bit and they look more healthy since the addition of the CO2 system

  15. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    wow...the tank is looking great there...seems like the co2 system is really working...really got some nice growth on those plants.
  16. don

    don ello

    yeah.....lots or algae problems tho LOL

    update on my pair of discus that i've kept for a little over a month now dancey1
    they've grown quite a bit and the colour is starting to show!!



    all my pictures are taken from my iPhone :p
  17. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ ooOOo theyre so pretty....they look pretty big =]
  18. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    nice looking discus you got there don, they certainly look much better now.

    I should do an update, gonna upgrade to a bigger tank soon once exams are over. Going to move my catfish over to its new home. :)
  19. don

    don ello

    UPDATE on my discus......It's been about three months since I got them really small. Only one of the two left cause the other one jump out of the tank when I wasn't home so it dried up :(
    I have a cover on it now :xd:




    the light is kinda red so it makes the fish look super red :S
  20. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Those discus fish are nice and the Altum Angel show in your first post is pretty too :)
    What made you stop running bare bottom fish tank because it's gonna be a mission to grow out your discus fish to adult size in a planted tank.