^ took the words rite out of my mouth... thats the reason why i like reading classic chinese novels, there is always a moral behind wat your reading
imma going broke >.< impulse buying ftw! norco mtb 6" rotors =) now the hard bit is to make sure it can fit inside the silvia >.<
Haha omg, a book by Jeremy Clarkson. I would love to read that. I bought this today. Yeah, I know Gundam is old. Bite me.
I'd never be able to justify buying that. I'd look at it and go 'hey, thats really cool and would be fun to have.' but then id realize that it would just sit on a shelf and get dusty and id essentially be putting 50+ dollars down the drain. Its probably why i haven't had a hobby like model building since i was 13... im too fiscally conscious lol
Man I wish I could be more like you. I'm like a big kid when it comes to buying stuff like this and impulse buying. -what?
I can't remember the last time i spent more than 100 bucks without thinking about the purchase for atleast three weeks before hand. I've been debating on whether to drop 199 bucks on an Xbox 360 for the last year and a half lol.
I need to learn the way of fearless_fx. I should probably msg you on MSN the next time I'm thinking of buying something.
06 RSX Type S wheels!!! Just picked these up and ordered Honda Center Caps for it. I can't wait for spring!!!! -^_^