@kdotc: yeah....all those times when u told me im old....ive counted them... @nas hahaha...im immigrant so im allowed to make up words yeah
^FOB!!!! jp lol but i felt like a minority of the asians in my high school years cause i'm one of the very few american born asians there...
hmmm....oh well... it will not change....if u go to uni...im guessin there will be more overseas students etc
^yea it's really expensive for people outta states so the price for outta country gotta be ridiculous. and oh yea i'm doing this asian studies class so PA is like research, i'm such a school boy -rolleyes
sure sure....maybe ur mother falls for that excuse...cuz she dont know PA....but i dont believe a word u say
Aaaah....why u talkin like that to me eh? teasin me cuz im immi eh? How about u talk to me in dutch!!!! and i bet ur viet isnt better than my hakka
^i waz justa play to you, just play ya no, whateva mista......ok no more lmao. and yea my viet suck bad
Hahahaha...yes please do stop it! come on...my english aint that bad.... im sure its better than whatever ur second language is!!!!!
^honestly i wasn't teasing you because your immi though lol, that seriously just came out of nowhere, maybe b/c you mentioned "mother" lmao w/e...and my second language is canto, only can converse in it though lol, you can write (english) too so there's your answer lol...
....i wish i could write chinese tooo =/ but i wont even go there and take the effort and try to learn how to do it....it takes too much time... my parents should have pushed me to take classes....but they never did :(
^don't blame your parents, you could've done it lol........but yea i sometime blame my parents for not teaching me vietnamese too lol....i took a viet class and the dude only taught me how to write the numbers and sing a butterfly song. waste of time.