one shot kill to ya mutha fucka. Currently kickin the the vz rev and vx nano. Decided to kick it up a bit wigth the orochi. Contemplation the mamba
I didn't "buy" these, but they were free swag from NCIX visiting school. Pretty much all the stuff still in plastic, plus the lanyard.
fuck me.. that's awesome.. 2 heads. Is that new body type? poseable?! Damn for some reason the audio is fuckin' up on the enterbay site. I really want that Enter The Dragon with the kung fu fitted. I wonder if they'll make a new edition with that. The Ip Man one looks good.. but doesn't seem as intricate. I wonder if Breaksrevenge still has his BLee Figures
It's a new body, some sort of rubber over plastic. Picking it up tomorrow I think. It's a pretty good set. I don't really like the other BL head sculpts besides this one and the Hot Toys DX04. If I can get the DX04 for cheap, I'll probably get it in the future.
daammmn tahts sexy right there... The dx04 head sculpt looks better imo.. that and the ETD theme is what I'm liking. But the Enterbay just screams quality. Plus that body looks awesome. Make sure you get us some good close up shots. I think i'll just wait for whatever next Bruce Lee figure enterbay come out with and get that.
I just took this thing out the box, the quality of the body thing is pretty awesome and I don't think the pictures do it justice at all. I'll take some better pictures and post it up later.
What I'm curious about is mainly the head.. Seems like mostly prototypes all look realistic but once you see pics of the actual thing it's completely different.
I think the head in my package is good. There were some minor discrepencies with the battle damaged head that had the EVision (rotatable eyeballs) I think. I played around with mine and I didn't seem to have much of a problem. And I think there was not enough bruises painted on the head. Mine doesn't have as red of a painted bruise as some of the other heads I think. Not a big problem.
Wallpaper sized, posed after some Bruce Lee classic shots. And a bad attempt at posing with limitations. It only sucks to not see the joints because I sort of want to twist the forearm but I'm paranoid about snapping it a bit.
You could get them off ebay. Some people rip the figures apart to sell pieces individually for people who do multiple sets for themselves. They probably run around $15 to $30 before shipping. I'm not crazy enough to buy outfits for these things, I'd rather spend that on real clothes for myself lol.
damn those are nice... the 1st n 4th pic looks pretty damn realistic on that sculpt. N the battle dmg with the sword makes the dmg look more apparent
Yeah, they sell the full spare bodies for this figure and it comes with footwear lol. I might just get it later on so I can throw the second head and battle damaged outfit on it later on. But I need to get a display case for this stuff so my nephew can drool through the glass.
SteelSeries 7G + CM Storm Spawn did i really just spend $186 on computer accessories? Also, not only does the camera on the TouchPad suck, it's practically impossible to take pictures with.