ooo pretttyy car...santa gave you a big present... it be you taking a piccy someone was sat in ya car stealing it -lol....
oh shit dude... lemme get on that!! hahah I've been meaning to get that.. but dunno if I want all those extra accessories.. Kinda jus wanna play the guitar... Hows the rest of the other play? is it worth it?
that's what I was thinking.. but then pple say Rock Bands pretty good.. I dunno.. I don't really like the oldies in Guitar Hero tho.. why can't they come up with some kinda Dance Rock Remix music on there..
shit... he got me kinda tempted... I mean now that I think about it... the drums might be pretty fun.. plus they got lotta dl-able content out.... SHIITTTT I think Imma go pick it up for ps3... I mean after all its under 200.. so pretty good deal righ!?!
alright uff you guys!!! I just ordered it from amazon... damn you pple!!! >_< next on the to by list.. gotta save up for that tho.. so I can use it when GT 5 drops!!
yea... good idea.. then we can race in our game chairs n steerrrin wheel... do you have rockband Kontra?? hahaha cause I dont even know if it will that much fun with just single player... >_<