aww,, did the girl give you that at school along with a valentines day card saying 'check here if you like me'?
shoulda got her some flowers like BB did.. and isn't this a recently 'BOughT' you bought flowers and candy for yourself BB? -lol
awwww my grandchild got flowers -wheel-blush2 yeah man now she needs to return the favor :naughty: if ya know if i mean haha :kekekegay:
who knows but i want to eat your food! lolz hehe.... btw.. the girl that gave me the candy.. i only knew her since 6th grade.. lol we're always fooling around in most of the classes... always.. but theres nothing to do at school.. in most of the classes >.<
fuuuck we were completely sold out of pregnancy tests and like half our stock of condoms at the pharmacy... valentines week i guess
even your mail order bride counts as long as its a legitimate purchase.. thas how it starts.. first fooling around in class.. next the bed.. -whistle
Hmm...I have a few of those. Shall I list them in chronological order? In all seriousness, I just ordered a custom pair of Oakleys.