Pictures of stuff you recently bought!

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by stardust, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. its a glass :slap:
  2. hahahah DB fei jai! lol its ok i ate i pigged out on ice cream yesterday too.....
  3. ^ FattyBeast... -lol

    damn seriously... I can't go more than half way in one sitting.. half the way mark.. you are no longer 'enjoying' the ice cream... never had strawberry tho.. coffee my fav.
  4. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Responsible drinking (Y)
  5. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    lol, she killed the bottle already, too late now.
  6. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    Lol, FattyBeast. Strawberry is ok, it tastes good enough to still be enjoyable after you pass the halfway mark.
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    haha it's OBeast...
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  9. I think someone just got own'd... pwhahaha.. -rotfl

    'Obeast -

    Severely overweight woman with any of the following :
    1) Thick facial hair
    2) Hairy chest
    3) Fucked up Grill (teeth)
    4) Wears bedsheet size clothing
    5) Has her own gravitational pull
  10. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    as is "Oh" Beast or "Orgasm" Beast or the Big "O" Beast.....a woman driven to maddness in pursuit of a/many orgasm(s)....She will destroy your cock in her quest for the Big-O!

    My ex-girlfriend is and obeast, she road my dick till it bled.

  11. pwhahah.. the slangs pple think of these days... 'cock destroyer' o_O' hahah
  12. Fatty Deadboy!!
    *cough LOR BUTTTTT cough*
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다


    no i dont smoke regularly...really really rare lol
  14. metzo

    metzo Well-Known Member

    HELL YEAHHH MY BOOK CAME and signed =O!!!
    (the 97-1-13 is the year its 13th january 1997, and its 1997 in taiwan now cause they run in their own calendar)



  15. ^ Mer book lei ga? o_O
  16. person

    person Well-Known Member

    I bought this last week, but I was too lazy to upload and post them.

  17. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    rofl thought that was chilled donkey fap juice
  18. oh.. are you gonna wear all of it and take a pic? -lol

    wrong... soo wrong.. hahah