i dont like that mouse...the print looks like...ehm...dinosaurus egg...probably a t-rex or something btw...=/ i dont even own a mouse...=/
lol just cause you still rocking TracknBall from the late 80s... -rotfl get outta here.. I have contemplated on getting the MX revo. but I like the g7 for the swappable batt. so dunno if thats worth giving up for..
Well, go to yar nearest mouse hole and snatch one. But don't forget to plug it in, Carl and Ray forgot. [youtube]-fmzdac6HQI[/youtube]
its not about looks, its about performance -cool2 shes a starcraft pro gamer. id: tossgirl. rofl some pro gamers still use track ball mice k. track ball mice are sick. btw, just think, if youre on de_dust, youre carrying the bomb, and the mouse freezes, youd be like SHIT MY BATTERIES ARE DEAD FUCK FUCK FUCK. and then youre teammates flame you for being such a noob at cs. lolll
i use the mx revol to game the only thing it doesn't have for gaming is all the different buttons for extra key binding and thereforth, the other thing i really dispise about it if the battery starts to die on me i can't change it...otherwise i'd buy another one in a heartbeat
its like a r4ds and lets you play downloaded games on your ds, and its cheaper than a r4 and more in stock
yea I won't lie.. I used to own in UT2003 back then with a trackball... too bad that ish gets too damn grimy.. just think, if youre on dota, youre trying to scroll to your units to build something but it scrolls 1cm at a time cause all the crap stuck in it.. -lol and the batteries last well over a day.. thats why you don't play games when its low. Plus theres a thing called a battery indicator.. so you kno when you have to swap batteries..
thats generally the main reason why gamers dont use cordless lol really.. youre in the zone... trying to focus... and BOOM shit your batteries die... who looks at the battery indicator during a game lol and who changes batteries during a game too lol
lol dimsum took the words right out of my mouth. nice.. i gots teh bomb. tiem to go place the bomb at Site A. *tut tut* OH SHIT GOTTA CHANGE BATTERIES 1-2 seconds HEAD SHOT with knife. HUMILIATION. SHIT SHIT SHIT why didnt i listen to dann and get a wired mouse instead? -lol ROFL
lol theres things called hiding.. and respawns.. you know... to change for that quick second.. and I dunno if you know this.. but the Wii controller use batteries aswell.. but thats not stopping pple from playing it..
trackballs make sense cuz you know exactly how its going to behave. when you are using laser or optical sometimes that shit zooms around the screen without your control