nah the coat is for mens, wear a shirt and tie underneath and,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-176624/pgid-176623:D
ookies....havent had time to upload my piccies....these are whut i received for xmas got the usual clothes and choccie as well....but too lazy to take a piccie of them... plus some of them are half eaten hahahaa....-blush2 phone dangly thingy figures...<3 robo with lights on...^^ big big domo....!!!!...
GT Aggressor XC2 The 09 version though, you cant find any pics of my bike on the net as its sooo new i dont consider the rest of my stuff worth posting, chocs, games, money etc etc
not really something i bought nor received... no thread that would fit, so i'll put it here instead some speakers i made
The components are all Realistic. Realistic is a Radio Shack brand. my dad had components lying around, so i used them to build these. Yes, they are Radio Shack components, but quite a number of people look at this brand in high regard, because it has excellent specs and performance. Not trying to be modest or anything, but these speakers sound better than my Polk Audio speakers. They are right below Kef speakers (i forgot which model).