sony vs geohotz.. and then this happened.. damn this is bigger than I thought.. or the news is exaggerating on the matter.
People nowadays, I can imagine them in their parents basements feeling great that they are ruining it for everyone who uses their playstation online. I hope they get caught and locked up, hope you get your service back soon playslaves. -xbot
If the hackers get caught they will definitely do some hard time. Hacking something on this scale is pretty damn crazy.
Latest developments.
Source Awwwwww blesss them for bowing ..... i personally accept their apology ... i mean .... psn is free and i shouldnt expect much from them .. just hope none of my details got used :/
PSN is free & its not directly their fault. Take this as one huge fucking expensive lesson.. and to step up their "security" on PSN.
whuts taking so longgggg....=/ ive just had this massive system update that took like muchy for 35minutes So free Playstation Plus for all!!! But whats the use of playstation plus if the playstation store isn't up until late may