It's only for Europe, not U.S. PSN. And it's only a list of games they are picking out to give for free. Most likely just digital purchases too.
boooo....end of this month....=/ my friends are playing combat training so they dun get 'rusty' on black ops....-lol
I can't get further, stuck at the extreme series, but dont wanna play the endurance. the race with the mazda -_- its maybe a stupid question but how can you save during the endurance, there is no option for saving but i had read that you can save? Ow and B-SPEC sucks!!
^whut happened to the source like where its from..??... gran tourismo..?...yups...but i dun play it muchy.. coz need to get the get the better cars =/ and nah wouldnt really call me a gamer.. im no sweaty guy who just sits and plays games..!!!...-tongue2
Thought it wasn't needed since it was a picture that I took with my DC. Sorry for removing your colour in the quote, the code went funny and I tried to re-fix it but I don't have the time lol.