wtf. he should find a woman, like everyone else. I know some people who are over 21 who are still single, and haven't had sex yet.
please calm down, your being an idiot, if this guy has sex with a normal girl will she be having his baby? i doubt it, i think they would be using protection. are you implying that two people with down syndrome = so stupid that they cant think of a condom? i think they are aware of the consequences. There are many couples were one or both have DS. please think before you type, you silly person
LOL! Omg. But the kid certainly would view her as a motherly figure. This news is quite weird. I thought virginity was blessedness. I guess it's experience now? lol
Er... really? IMHO, I find that to be somewhat developmentally delayed. -bowroflarms LOL... Downer Syndrome? :nuts: And this just takes the cake: Parents' fury at 'Down's Syndrome dolls' designed to help children deal with disability
this article was published in hopes that some girl with down syndrome somewhere feels exactly the same way
Learn some biology. Its true that they are disabled people, but that is because of the trisomy 21. Offsprings with this anomally still have meiosis functioning properly half the time, however it may not always be successful. You should know that there is a reason to miscarriage on the female's part; if the fetus were really really screwd up it wouldn't even be able to be born (failure of fetal development, the mother's "self-abortion"). It is also known that many people with down syndrome don't get to the point of reproduction in life, partly due to mental retardation preventing such, or that they do not want to pass on in life because of their condition. In this guy's case, he likely won't even father any children, since its been scientifically tested that male down syndrome people have reduced spermatogenesis, or may even be sterile (Sheridan et al. 1989). Works Cited Sheridan R., Llenera J., Matkins S., Debenham P., Cawood A., Bobrow M. Fertility in a male with trisomy 21. J. Med. Genet. 1989. 26: 294-298. </sci nerd>