Dang, I need to pay more attention to what's going on in the site... Congrats to everyone who won! Why am I not surprised rth won something...
Just saying, a few winners and I haven't receive a message from a member of DinoDirect yet. A couple of days already. No rush. =)
Final Prize Winners! kdotc RainingIce Notahandler jonathan lam homoloto ab289 The Contest is officially over, members who reached 100 posts before September 30th 11:59PM EST please send me a PM if you haven't yet! Thank you all for participating, there will be another contest probably in another month so keep your eyes peeled!
After spending awhile going through your posts; sorry but unfortunately, I don't think so. I counted 83 posts (doesn't include posts in the sections that doesn't increase your post count) from the start to the end of the contest; although I'm beng lenient and I didn't account for spamming posts but even if there were, you wouldn't have made it anyway =p And nope I didn't jot down the post count you were at at the time so I don't particularly want to look at and check every single countable post in detail T___T But I think another mod should jump in and check just in case but expect a long check lol ...... considering you will be presented with posts that are also in the sections that doesn't increase the post count.