ahahahahaha That was HILRARIOUS LOL. The dog looked like it was someone dressed up in a dog suit, but it was so real haha.
I did, someone managed to get my moms friends account then they targeted everyone in the address book, tried to get my mom to send money saying they are stranded somewhere and they have no money. she almost fell for it but she phoned her friend and found out the account was robbed. i just played a long for a bit till i got bored
I once got a mail like this when i was younger and i'm lucky i didn't believe this..My friend got pawned by his supposed friend from Africa...
sigh it looks like no one actually read it. the guy is trying to play the scammers to get them to send him money lol
Breathalyzer Fail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N01v-VCpYw&eurl=http://failblog.org/&feature=player_embedded
if your into scamming scammers, this is the funniest site ever http://www.419eater.com/html/trophy_room.htm
oh scammers.... they almost had me once, until i looked it up on google... sending me a $1000 check from some bank i didn't have an account in