Presumed Accidents - 純熟意外 (2016)

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by b-lee, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. gd6noob

    gd6noob Well-Known Member

    wait wait... wah wah.. so how is lawrence character immortal? didnt say.. just shows him through ancient times progressing without aging..
  2. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    u probably just start watching or haven't got to the part she gave him the pill after getting shot by an arrow...
  3. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    its so hard to find a decent series these days
  4. I'm quitting this series or putting it on hold i just saw Ep 16 where they first talk about Lawrence in ancient times? looretarded

    will focus on House of Spirits show

    and Bobby is 100 times more entertaining than Lawrence
  5. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    don't give up! the best of this drama starts from episode 20 and on. it will keep u guessing after each episode and chase for answers...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    yea, starting from ep 20, there's a lot of twist and turns. I just fiished watching the drama. It was boring at first, but it gets better towards the end. Not saying this drama is friggin good, but it's better than what i expected it to be. And Snow aka Ah suet from super tiro show is pretty. She's an eye candy. I hope tvb give these new people more chances in the future.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. yay moar suet suet fans:clap:

    she is releasing leng mo book this summer :shifty: link for more pics

    • Like Like x 1

  8. FB Live with cast
  9. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

  10. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    i totally agree...i would like to see snow take on a lead role!
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  11. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    not leading material. eye candy...yes
  12. it was boring but finished it first 20 eps is rubbish just like EU series lol the last 5 episodes were good

    weird seeing the sitcom guys back as evil empire :boblaff: (John ma,richard,damon)

    :john::richard: Jeff John ma was really good as super villain :john2:
    #52 shinobi, Jul 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
  13. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Watching this now on Episode 5, pretty good so far. Sisley does do a better job then her character in Speed of Life, although maybe that's how they wanted her to be :p
  14. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Finished watching this over the weekend, pretty good series as a whole. The concept of the story was good and the veterans that were in it was great as usual. Sisley definitely did a good job in this series have to admit. It is too bad that Selina was barely in this at all, but she did an ample job playing both types of characters. I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this to be honest with Lawrence, Selena and Sisley in it, or they could even do Sisley in it inheriting the immortal powers as her dad. Glad the ending wasn't too crazily rushed and they connected all the villains together which was nice.
  15. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Just finished as well and you describe the drama very well.

    1) Concept was good, Sisley was actually an improvement to her prior dramas.
    2) Selena had screen time like a 3rd line actress. She and Chris Lai didn't appear until the drama was halfway done. But at least Chris was the main villain.
    3) Speaking of Chris, it's not a breakthrough role that's for sure. The role needed to be like Roger Kwok in Black Heart White Soul type of evil IMO if he ever wants to breakthrough with villainous acting.
    4) IIRC, this drama was filmed when CHL1 ended. So it's funny how John Ma, Richard, and Damon all appeared on the show. Didn't Chris Lai say something similar like he is god near the end of the drama when his inner psycho finally came out? :kelefe:
    5) No one mentioned Raymond in this? I thought he was hilarious. He did a great job with Joyce.
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  16. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Didn't I say it all the veterans were good haha. Yes him and Joyce were pretty awesome in it. You can never go wrong with those two actually. Also another thing I forgot to add was Lawrence was the one that caused the first fake accident that started the whole event which caused a domino effect. Although I don't think he was ever told on what his actions had cause.
  17. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    TBH after the epic scene where Chris drowned I knew the drama was over so I stopped paying attention :kelefe:. I don't even know why Lawrence never came back and what happened to B Jai.

    But that's how I usually watch these shows now. Dual monitor and drama is on one screen as background noise most of the time and I give my attention when something interesting or funny is happening (and rewind if needed).
  18. if you search series name first clip that come up lol

  19. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯


    Even all the comments were about him being a god :boblaff:
  20. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Haha I used to do that too when I used to game. B jai retired to an island where you see Lawrence briefly in the background. Basically he had to recover and he wanted to lay low.for a bit since he was outed out.