solution to 47 was stupid... 30 on the other hand actually makes sense... its an acronym just figure out the acronym and the rest should come to you
only the last 2 notes r important... the last one is a clue... the second last note is a sequence with one 1 missing letter... u might need to google it...
Help on 34 please! There once was a lady from paris, Who went on holiday to paris, She had a great time, She drank lots of wine, But then went back home to paris. Err that makes no sense whatsoever. And the 2nd part is some golf chart?
wondergirl, the first part is paris... its stupid its just used, nothing justified the answer... the second part is a bit more difficult. what is that score on the golf card called kdotc... errr its an acroynm think back to like gr 3 or something
been playing this game since i got home from work last night... now back in the office... playing again... ahhhh... need some clue have u passed 49 renegade_cash??