Why do women that can't resolve matters intelligently result to violence, so barbaric (*sips tea*)... and you said you had higher standards than me... pfff. -lol -tongue2
Someone help me on level 34!!! :( It's the one with the woman in Paris and the golf chart... “Heav'n has no rage, like love to hatred turn'd, nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd” -William Congreve Life is never fun without a teeny weeny bit of violence and excitement... Do appreciate cruelty... It's all for good health!
Only pay attn. to the left post-it at the bottom. There's MVEMJ_UNP. One letter is missing to complete the acronymn, and that's the letter you have to find. If you still can't figure it out, use GOOGLE.
35 is a killer...... stupid two answer questions...you dont even know if you got the first one correct....