For those who have watched the series "price of greed"?? wat did u reckon compared with pheonix rising... both series are pretty evil. i liked price of greed, i like the huge amount of suspense! it was sooo good! i wanna watch it agen! hrmm...and pheonix just...i dunno =\ cuz i only basically watched the ending... LOL
Phoenix rising better i think !! The price of life is so difficult to understant at the start i don't like this and it's too mysterious !!
i think phoenix rising is better.. the price of greed is literally reapeating many of its scenes... besides, it's only come to climax at the end when the lou leong cant take it anymore and rebel that time.. but for phoenix rising, i cant stop watching it since the episode 10.. so saddening..
I think Phoenix Rising was better because Price of Greed really dragged the storyline.. It had a great cast (minus Kate Tsui) but, I mean one of the main characters (Sammul) didn't even appear until have the story was over. Phoenix Rising, on the other hand, kept me interested all the way.
price of greed was very good, phoenix rising wasnt as interesting, i even gave up on it after few chapters, only reason i watch the few chapters becuz leila tong was in it
hmm...i liked the cast from Price of Greed better...but Rising of the Pheonix plot was kinda i dont really know...
i would feel, Pheonix Rising is better then The Price Of Greed, cos.. The Price Of Greed, is just so bored and dun even know wat is happening fr episode 1 till 9 .... just so boring and come to episode 10 only , u start to feel the mood is coming for tis series.. plus, i would felt the series The Price OfGreed, they should not find Kate to take that character, cos i would felt, she dun know how to act.. totally no impression at all.. i wil watched The Price Of Greed, cos i love to see Bosco & Sammul... and that is my 1st time to watch Kate, she give me a feel of BAD... dun had any impression on acting... and to Pheonix Rising, 3 lady plus their partner 3 guys, oso bringing out the story line..and u just wont felt bored of watching it.. so, i would feel Phoenix Rising is better then The PRice Of Greed... michelle
i personally i didnt really like both , but i actually wanted to see the ending of price of greed and i just wanted phoenix raising to end so a new show can come i say price of greed is better.....
I thought phoenix rising was good...Price of Greed was so boring I couldn't even bother to finish it.