Professional guys -- problems meeting girls

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by thomas, May 5, 2006.

  1. gigglygurl

    gigglygurl Active Member

    yeah, good thing you aren't to picking up girls at nightclubs... i heard horror stories from guy friends saying they pick up a chick then go out to eat afterwards like at a chinese restaurant with extremely bright lights, and then they see the girls aren't really what they look like at the clubs! and as a girl, i can tell u, that for some girls like me, if i hook up with a guy at the bar it is limited to that night only. i don't want to see u a few days later, or a week later.... hahahaha... there are always friends of friends that you can hook up with, or like the others said, school is the best way to hook up. i miss school for that reason already! i can see different eye candy almost every day! now at work.. it is the same old same old.... besides you are only 20.. wait til the girls start feeling their biological clock ticking.. u should be able to meet tons of girls then! although i have this one weird ass suggestion... get a pseudo girlfriend... i don't know what makes guys more attractive when they are with a girl, but it is true a good chunk of the time....
  2. gogo123

    gogo123 Well-Known Member

    your best bet is going back to school. cause once u outta school u ain't gonna meet alot of girls unless u a mack daddy. Money helps alot to, pending on the types of girls that interest you. GL