Proof that God does not exist

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BigSmoke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    thats hot -devil
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i know what ur trying to say NAS...its not because u guys are making fun of god or jesus...
    u seem like a nice guy... but the stuff ive seen u guys posting and the comments that has been made...
    i just wondered if u guys even realized that it could insult some ppl...(not talking about me)
    its just uncool to make jokes about ppls religion....but thats MY opinion of course
  3. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    wow u sure quote a lot of descartes. this name rings a bell somehow...i never took philosophy but maybe sociology? did he ever do anything on suicide? or was that durkheim. OH WAIT i remember. it was psychology.
    was he the guy who studied gestalt ?
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i kinda agree to his definition of god though as like kinda the reason but not mentioning god with a certain name or as individual. like god's purpose in his philosophy is the's more universal than just saying god is christian. but i disagree with the dude on a lot of things he said lol...
  5. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    this is an awesome thread. my friends had this same type of debate on facebook. now all we need is someone who will argue on the christian side.
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    pretty sure Descartes was waaay before Gestalt came around.

    you probably heard of him when you were doing math... graphing and cartesian coordinates and whatnot
  7. its not really that you cant make fun of others.. its more like you shouldnt..

    but you raise a good point... who are we to judge whats right or wrong..

    this is more in the context of religion.. nothing as extreme as stoning to death or shit like that..

    that being said, we dont even have proof that our own beliefs are true.. so why bash on other's?

    and because we have no proof, even if we disagree with it 100%, we shouldnt go ahead and bash other beliefs, we should respect it, and leave it be instead of trying to prove them false when we dont even have proofs for our own beliefs... thats extremely hypocritical if you ask me..

    lol i quote his ideas, but things like "evil genius" are a wee bit far fetched to me lol

    but im still leaving an open mind =)
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i cant say i agree with u very often dann...but this time..i actually do totally agree
  9. LOL!

    thank you for the thanks

  10. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    what does the thank function do anyways?
  11. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    it shows ur a nice guy :p

    if u have 1k of thanks....u become vip lol
  12. edit: damn... cheeks beat me to it...

    anyways, back on topic...

    theres this other dude i think was pretty high when he wrote his shit... berkeley...

    the dude thought he was supporting materialism, while he was unintentionally supporting the opposite.. his theory is that everything is made out of the mind and its ideas...

    so using my apple example again, the dude is basically saying that the apple is nothing more than a collection of ideas... and those ideas include texture, taste, mass and whatnot..

    his theory also supports the idea of God... for example... what happens to the idea of the apple, when youre not around? since youre not around, the apple has to disappear because your ideas are not there anymore... Berkeley says that something has to be there in order for the idea of the apple to remain long after youre gone... and that thing is God...

    man... for scientists and mathematicians, Descartes and Berkeley sure want to believe that theres really a God o_O
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    nah imma pretty bad guy when i give my opinions hhaha....

    so we should let our leaders run our country in a negative way and not say anything about it because we have no proof he is actually bad since other people made up reasons that he is good. basically we should shut our mouths and not say anything because it might have insulted others and we have no proofs that they are bad because our opinions are no way to prove anything....wait this is only in the context of religion my bad. we should respect everything, like if people said your opinions are stupid you gotta respect them because you have no proof that they are not and if you bash them your hypocritical and a ignorant person ok i understand. i agree with you cause it's my duty to respect you b/c i can't prove you wrong.
  14. i have no idea why you wrote this.. that has nothing to do with what im saying :S

    "like if people said your opinions are stupid you gotta respect them because you have no proof that they are not"

    i was just quoting Descartes theories. doesnt mean i believe them too. if you want to debate that, debate with him

    and the only thing i said was hypocritical was that if someone wants to make fun of another religion because the other religion doesnt have any proof, while his/her own doesnt have any proofs as well to support.

    why you being sarcastic for? you wrote this as if you want to start shit with me..
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^nah man i thought the sarcastic tone made shit un-serious haha...but damn this is a thread on religion...i'm never serious in talking about religion lol.

    oh that leaders thing like just what people describe god as a leader, how they rule over us control us...supporting a religion is kinda the same as supporting certain beliefs in leadership. people looking up to a figure of higher power. just like how people choose democratic and republican parties and debate about it, thats kinda how we should do the same about god. one side gotta spit out the negatives about the other side you know. it's kinda how we improve certain ideologies with various beliefs...we need a ying and a yang for everything. i know that it's hypocritical but i mean believers of religion are not un-hypocritical you takes a hypocrite to argue with another hypocrite...without hypocrisy there's no basis for argument because we won't have any opinions. i don't think anyone can be hypocrite-proof lol. bottom line is you can call me a hypocrite, but you are hypocritical for calling me a hypocrite just because you don't have the proof to conclude that i'm a hypocrite hahahaha.....sorry i don't have any "facts" to back up my argument cause i'm just saying what's on my mind at the moment.
  16. ^ lol thats where things differs

    see you see the idea of God as a leadership figure... like a nation leader or a CEO kind of thing.. if i do believe in God, see the idea of God as inspiration, as a way to understand things when there is no answer.. i dont see God as a leader, because leadership requires interaction with the group/population. since God hasnt shown up for who knows how long, God is a pretty bad leader if you ask me lol

    But the idea of God can serve as a way to answer the unknown, inspiration, or whatever crap like that lol

    and as for hypocrisy, you actually have part of my answer lol

    see, i cant be hypocritical of religions, because i dont hate on other religions, while sticking to my own. "without hypocrisy there's no basis for argument because we won't have any opinions." we may not have any arguments. but we do have opinions. see, im buddhist of origin, but my spiritual beliefs developed far beyond a buddhist's belief.. my beliefs incorporates part of every religion.. i believe that religions are the different representation of a single event. see, i can have both arguments and opinion, while staying true to my own beliefs and not being hypocritical about it. so my definition of hypocrisy doesnt apply here because im not making fun of any religion, i believe in parts of all religions..

    on the OTHER hand, shit like scientology, ill be the most hypocritical guy youll ever see lol
  17. hmmm my mind is too logical to believe god exists. If we knew a definate answer to death then believing or not believing in god would be so much easier. I think once the mind is destroyed thats basically it , we're no different then a plant.

    take away whatever ur religion is and pretend god doesn't exist.. how scary would that be when ur laying on ur death bed? not alot of people would be willing to sleep on that and so we have the many religions we have today... All is a manifest for the fear of death and the unknown.
  18. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Religion and science can be proven or disproved and its all based on personal interpretation and belief.
  19. nooo science is always proving religion wrong , the saying goes something like "science is always asking for more time while religions proof is faith".

    give us a 500 million more years and you'll see evolution is right! =P
  20. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Maybe those scientists can marry chimps and monkeys to speed up the process.
