I always wondered if prophets back in the day (there were many in different religions) like the prophets from the old testament, new testament and people from the Renaissance like Nostradamus what they prophesied was deja vu of the future. Its amazing how ancient civilizations (for example Egypt, China and India) paid very close attention to dreams. There were some people (for example eunuchs) that were able to translate the dreams and let the king or ruler of that nation know exactly what that dream meant. Ancient civilizations also spent a lot of time studying on astrology and its amazing how people born under the same sign share similar characteristics. I always wondered since there is a law of physics if there is a law for astrology that makes people born under the same sign act the same or similar to each other.
Nostradamus a prophet??, i heard he just read biblical prophecy and pretended it was his own. There is a power behind Astrology just like there is a power behind witchcraft etc, if there wasn't the bible wouldn't forbid it.
^^I am not too sure about Nostradamus but if Astrology is considered dark magic then why does the bible use astrology to prophecy the birth of Jesus (north star/ star of Bethlehem)?
that wasn't astrology, it was a star that led the 3 men to Jesus (what the light really was, we don’t know), I believe the object was in the earths atmosphere so it couldn’t have been an actual star, elsewhere in the bible there are occurrences of lights and clouds of smoke that lead the Jews out of Egypt. That’s my thought on that. Astrology is: to a degree ill say its ok as in when the moon gets close it effects the water (natural earthly occurrences side of it), but then there is the occultic side with the horoscope and the rest that comes with it (human affairs side of it). But navigating by the stars as some fishermen and air pilots do/did is not astrology.
yes that is very possibly true, but you must remember they were not Jews or followers of the God' Law , but God revealed Jesus to them and they travelled a great distance and brought gifts. there may be a little more i have to say on this interesting subject, but i must leave for a while so ill get back to you later.
i don't get what makes people believe in stuff like this and not fairy tales... it would be more logical in my personal belief to be some neurological condition of the brain triggering a memory of your subconscious to make it seem like you've experience the feeling before, like say doctors can operate and touch certain parts of your brain and god behold you'll feel like you've experienced that feeling already. why do people not feel the need to think logically like that and go into some fairy tale story... at least in my mind and even if that weren't true it would be more plausible to be some sort of condition in our brains instead of what god puts into our dreams... i simply don't get it how people can be so smart yet so gullible to religion simply because people can't prove god but at least think logically to certain aspects of your belief. i know no matter what i say is not going to change anyone and im not out to pick on any religion, what im saying is alot of religion is ignorance... look into the logical side not always what god says because no one can prove him/her/it wrong. Just rememeber ... the world used to be flat and we were the center of the universe.... ( and here comes my bashing ) btw the bible in my opinion is like a broken telephone game edited re-edited over a zillion years , one day we have jesus the next day hes son of god and lets add him walking on water to boost people faith.. sorry i've got too much common sense to believe in a book like this espically a religious one where self promotion and faith editing is the best to gain followers. ( and here really comes my bashing )
i think therefore i am been awhile since i've taken philosophy and it gets so damn confusing yet makes alot of sense. I believe in some aspects of their teachings but alot comes from my own mind which is common sense. what i learnt is if you argue against god you're not going to win no matter how logical or reasonable it sounds =P so its best to talk with people who agree with you.
It is not logical to think in that manner. You can prove if God is right or wrong. It is through his predictions, if even one of his predictions are wrong, then He has lied to his people. And if He lied to his people, then He is not wholly comprised of the Truth. And if He is not of the Truth, then He is not the God of the Bible (or even God for the matter). So, there is a confirmation (if you believe in God) to His truthfulness and His accuratenesses of His prophesies throughout the time-line of humanity. Now, your argument against the accuracy of the Bible is not only against the Christians, but also the Jews as well. But since you are too logical to believe in religion, that should be no problem for you, ang. First of all, do you have any proof that the Bible is "incorrectly" translated over and over and over and over and over again (for a "zillion" of years)? Did you know that the Iliad written by Homer is written almost 400 years before the first copy of the Bible (specifically the New Testament). And it has been copied over 643 times within a 500 years lifetime span (between the original and the copies). With scientific instruments, scientist has proven that the accuracy between the first copy of the Iliad to the ending copies are 95% accuracy. Extraordinarily, is it not? Lets compare it to the New Testament texts. The first copy of the NT was written approximately during the 2nd century; copied over 5600 times within only 100 years of its lifetime span (between the original and the copies). It has been proven that the NT accuracy is 99.5% accurate. So, does the Bible still seem like a "broken telephone-game [...] re-edited over a zillion years"? Or you are simply using your misinformed information as an excuse. Allowing you to hope the Bible is inaccurate -- so you can calmly reside on the notion that the existence of God is that of only a fairy-tale. Ignorance is bliss, is it not? source:http://www.dashhouse.com/sermons/1999/AM/990314.htm