I mean it's like you act like pple can find jobs with a snap of a finger... what was she suppose to do.. go somewhere and be like oh hire me... I'm broke and I have a family to support... how many pple ain't been in that postion before?? having to support your family all by yourself when you're broke does not leave you the option to think rationally... Of course she coulda bummed and ask for money.. she doesn't need to get naked to do that... but who knows how much she'd be able to raise...
Indeed I did misinterpret his statement, and for that I graciously apologize. Okay, so you're not saying that I'm not looking down on them but that I'm implying that I'm in some way better than them... is there a difference between the two? You're not getting this. Manual labor (or any other type of hard labor) does not require that one sell their body and go against one's morals. Prostitution does. You cannot compare the two as they have no co-relations whatsoever. Again, scrubbing toilets, cleaning restrooms, and working at McDonalds is completely different from prostituting. These jobs are needed. Required. Prostitution is not. When I said "encourage", I meant it in the sense that they are tempting other women to take the same road. When I said "victimizing", I meant it in the sense that tampering with such industry will always, to some degree be oppressive to women; both the women working in it, and those in the rest of society who live in a world where it's ok to buy sex from women. In effect, it will give people the notion that under certain conditions it is permissible to exploit and abuse women. It also promotes sex trafficking, as well as child prosecution. Okay, unless this girl lives in Africa or something where there is no such thing as government funding, her kids will not starve to death! There are numerous tribal organizations out there who work to provide family assistance (welfare), child support, child care, child welfare, and other programs relating to children and families. Also, you have not answered my question: So if it's okay for women in desperate need of money to become prostitutes, then should it be okay for men in desperate need of money to deal drugs also? Are they NOT the same thing??? Drug traffickers, in attempt to earn a living, sells drugs to other individuals harming their well-being. Similarly, prostitution leads to increased exposure to HIV/AIDS, which clients in turn can then come home and spread it to their families.
Ecko - As a rule of thumb, NEVER ARGUE WITH A WOMAN!!! It only leads to other arguments. It's a continuous, never-ending cycle! (already proven in the "what looks you prefer" thread)
Not saying your looking down on them... but the people who may have found better jobs... does that give them right to look down on those who were not fortunate enough to find something better... And prostitute there's a lotta manal labor involved in that... Morals when you got kids to feed what kinda Morals are you thinkin' about??? And what about Nudists??? they lettin' people have free looks FOR FREE!!! Right McDonalds n scrubbing toilets in needed... cuz you need to have people service you... and gives you the state of mind your freakin' better cuz you're not those jobs... In her situation... Prostitution is REQUIRED!!... IT's REQUIRED inorder to save her KIDS!!! AND PROSTITUTION and SELLING DRUGS is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! first off Prostitiution does not harm other people in any kinda way. THere are risks... but it's the person who goes into prostitution... It's not like having sexing with a person is going to get them ADDICTED to sex... or make turn them into prostitutes!!!
Someone needs to stand up and go against these Pretend Feminists.... girls are too damn hypocritical... They say girls are always showing off their bodies in magazines... it's disgusting... it's DEGRADING.... but then they're out freakin' hella working out.. trying to lose weight... just so they have that kinda body... maybe not to show off to other guys... but at least be able to compare to other girls so can think that they're the ish....
AND STDS!!! STDs!!! it's the guys are may have given the female stds... and spread to other clients... Or maybe the girl already have STDs... Either way there are a few protections!!! Plus If the Guy is out having sex with prostitutes and bringing STDs BACK HOME!! that IS THEIR PROBLEM!!! IT would be that Guy's fault for doing such things!!!
roundhouses be coming out when things get out of hand..for now...quite the interesting discussion this be..intrested to see how it continues...
I'm very glad you're enjoying yourself there Knoc, but you are not being fair -angry You only quoted 1/2 my statement and left the other 1/2 out: "Drug traffickers, in attempt to earn a living, sells drugs to other individuals harming their well-being. Similarly, prostitution leads to increased exposure to HIV/AIDS, which clients can in turn carry home and spread to their families." Who's side are you taking anyway?! And don't tell me you're neutral! Do you think that all men who hire prostitutes are single? MANY of them are married with wives and children. Those who seek pleasure from prostitutes run the risk of catching diseases and spreading them to their families. Sure, the man probably deserves to get infected because he brought it upon himself, but what about his innocent wife and children who most likely have no knowledge of his outside affairs? Do they deserve to become infected also? I think you and I will both agree that the answer to that would be no. I believe in Yin and Yang. In society, there will always exist people who are financially successful, and people who are not so financially successful. You can't always get what you want in life... So to answer your question... no, they do not have the right to look down on those who are less fortunate. It's never right to be demeaning of others in attempt to boost one's own self-esteem. In facilitating this, narrow-mindedness and ignorance are encouraged. But this was not the point that I was trying to deliver. I just don't want other women out there (some who may be reading this very thread, god forbid) who are considering the business to be under the notion that prostituting is okay as long as you are doing it to support a family. I do not want them to think that that it is their only way out (because it's not), and thus, risk harming themselves, their families, as well as other people. What about nudists?? Unlike prostitution, it is not considered a profession, so I could care less about them. As long as they are not exposing themselves in a way that would potentially harm other people, they can do whatever it is that they want. It's not like they're doing it to get paid. What? What gave you the impression that I like having people service me to give me the "state of mind" that I am better than them? If you are good and you know it, then there should be no need for you to go and compare yourself to others. I have friends who are richer than I am, but they do not look down on me. Likewise, I have friends who are poorer than me, but I do not look down on them either. So, I don't understand what gave you the idea that I am such a person. And again, let me reinstate that she was in no way required to go into prostitution. REQUIRED: 1. Needed; essential. 2. Obligatory. She didn't NEED to do it, she CHOSE to. How can it be considered a requirement when there are other alternatives (such as govt. funding which I have previously mentioned)? Cleaning toilets at Mcdonalds is "needed" in the sense that someone's gotta do the job. If there were no such thing as janitors, would you ever want to set foot in a public facility again? Most likely not. But prostitution is not a required job. Men do not need sex once a day, 7 days a week in order to survive. They may WANT it, but they do not need it. You see the difference? And how do you know she was trying to support her kids anyway? Are you just assuming? Because I don't remember any where in "blackmagic's" post that said the girl went into prostitution to feed her kids. "Family" could be referring to anybody. Her healthy 30 year old uncle/aunty, 18 year old brother/sister who have hands and feet of their own who could have gone and sought employment opportunities to support themselves instead of shoving all the family's financial burden on her. Maybe they WERE able to support themselves, but she felt that it'd be easier to just become a prostitute and get some fast cash to help give them all a boost. My point is, we don't know the whole story yet, so until blackmagic comes back to clarify some of our statements or add on to them, for now, all we are doing is assuming. Anyway, up until now, I am still on exactly the same side I started on, and you probably are too... but I just want to let you know that just because I don't accept your POV it does not mean that I don't respect it. You know, you are being pretty insistent on your views too. People cannot convince anyone of anything unless they themselves do not stand by their POV. Let's face it, we all have our own morals/beliefs. So with that said, I'll just end my ranting here. (sorry to dissapoint you Knoc, but I refuse to let anybody use me as a form of entertainment, especially someone like you -whistle but hey, at least you had some fun while it lasted, right? )
How are you assuming that MANY of them are married??? They run the risk.. but there are protections... ANd You pretty much ASSUME all prostitutes HAVE STDs!!! And how exactly is he going to spread STDs to his children. You refer to prostitutes like they're some kinda Virus Infected Zombies... like outta Resident Evil... Unlike crack not everyone is gonna necessarily die from having sex with prostitutes... How are they not harming people... them actually running around naked could affect your children... No she NEEDED to do it, cuz she had no other CHOICE. Exactly how much govt. fundings do you think she coulda gotten?? If everyone is allowed the get money from govt. then the govt. would be in even more in debt. Not to mention affecting the Tax Payers!!! And if everyone just sat on their asses asking for govt. fundings wha you think the country would be like. If there are govt. fundings... WHY THE HELL ARE THERE HOMELESS PEOPLE!? She decided to work things out on her own so she very brave for doing that. No cleaning toilets is not required... cuz whoever uses it could clean it after their own damn selves... why make others clean it for you?? Yes, prostitution is not your everday required job... and I never said it. Fact of the matter is... of course everyone's gonna want to be able to find a job to support their children/family. BUT desperate Times call for DESPERATE MEASURES!! Ok we don't know what kinda "family" she has... but if she seriously had people who were able to support themselves... do you think she would even resort to prostitution in the first place!? Umm hello!!!! being as disgusted as you are I doubt prostitution is the first thing on your mind as a resort. And if everyone in the family is like that... then it's they're fault for letting her get into prostitution. But who would really have to heart to let their loved ones do that...???? The fact of the matter is... This girl was BRAVE! she put all morals n dignity aside inorder to SUPPORT HER FAMILY... she was desperate... and here you are being disgusted because she had to sell her body in order to help her family. And if you read most of the guy's responds... They have much RESPECT for her. They looked past the degrading part and saw someone who was a very Loving Person... and was willing to do ANYTHING to support her FAMILY!!!
Some of your are forgetting that prositution also occurs in foreign countries that lack fundings for low income families and other government assistance. When it comes down to survival, following morals is only secondary. Stealing is ethically wrong, but if my family is hungry and no one's hiring me for a job, then Im going to steal that loaf of bread no matter how wrong it is. People will do anything in times of desperation. Girl's dont aspire to become prostitutes. They do it because they are forced by circumstances that are beyond their control. I understand where some of you are coming from. Prostitution does set the struggle for women rights a few years back, but when it comes down to staying alive people dont think about fighting the good fight and keeping their pride. Those who have too much pride tends to die; those who are willing to do anything to survive tends to live longer. It's basically a choice between morals/pride and survival. Take your pick. Most of us on PA live in the U.S., HK, England, Canada and Australia. We have no idea what people in third world countries go through. Most wish that there are alternatives.
no side can be taken in this ha..already been using u as a form of entertainment...but damn good to see an actually discussion goin on... however...rmbr u two u def have dif opions on this, neither will change, it seem as though u two are now attacking each other...as one of you mentioned...i believe is was peachy, the entire story is not known...rmbr now...dif opinons on this..so go easy now...now..let the discussion continue...rebuttal peachy...
mei... i guess prostitution is men's fault... (GO GUYS!!!).... since it's pretty average pay... but yea... i'm totally against it...