kind of lame since, ps3 gets sold right out of the gate after people have purchased them, and now everywhere you go, there they are sitting on store shelfs, so it was kind of lame. However, it was quite unusual and original i suppose. cool points for that
I thought this was a thread about the Wii smashing the PS3. Well, same thing. It's funny how the PS3 is gathering dust on store shelves everywhere, and the Wii is still next to impossible to find. I thought about getting PS3 for GT5, but now, I might just get Xbox 360 and Forza 2 instead.
It's a stupid thing to do to get attn. I got an XBOX360 and am happy with it. Forza 2, NFS Carbon and Gears of War are sweet games. Looking forward to get Crackdown.
f*ing retards, they probably do get excessive money for it, but damn son, wasting your time in line, and the money....oh snap
Wow... that was messed up for all the people who waited really long to see a rich man smash a brand new ps3 x__x
WOWWWWW waste of MOney!!! If they dont know what to do with their money.. They can Send it to ME! ... =-= wasteeeee!
OMG! Unbelievable... what a total waste to smash like that! Those weird humans.... or they do it to attract some special attention they want.... sighs.-sweat