they finally making a rumble enabled controller, man that's one thing that was lacking in the ps3 controller, doesn't feel like your part of the action without that feedback.
Yeah, feedback makes all the diff. But I find the motion sensor on the PS3 quite useless, because I hate flight sims. We still havn't seen anything about the sensor screen. The demo they gave us had a few guys battling some sort of monsters in card form, except it turned into monsters on the screen, when you slide the cards under the scanner. Yeah very similar to Yu Gi Oh.. haha.
There are rumors that the new PS3 Starterpackage will consist of a 120 GB version PS3 instead of a 60 GB!!! If this is true, we Europeans are finally less screwed<_<
I wouldn't get one till its cheaper like $400 below because my pc can pump the same graphics I would only get it for Resistance or Final Fantasy 13
The PS3 needs another price drop before Sony can have any of my money :X Until then I'm happy with my Wii
^ Or you could wait for Sony to repeat this process later on in the future or maybe even come up with a better deal