you mean some kind of "happy" hormones? like when you smile instead of frown? yep. i've heard of that too hehe. thought i'd help him out since everyone was ganging up on him.. or her. him right?
@CNB: Of course I know about serotonin and dopamine, just that it annoys me when people don't even dignify them with the proper word. Seeing that they are so important ... Stuff? It's one of my most hated words, how much less specific can you get? If anything, I wouldn't get so anal about it if he/she said "chemicals"...
dont have to wake up just an hour ago to be woken up at the wrong side of the bed its just a saying that someone is having a bad day but then apparently with a pleasant brunch you shouldnt have any bad signs of unhappiness
Yes, the word "stuff", when used in substitute of any number of things under the sun, enrage me EVERYTIME...
but then sometimes stuff is more easily to say the unknown thing i guess like if there are a bunch of moss growing and i dont know what it is i would just say some green stuff is growing around the tree....guess thats what i mean
I guess... But then if you said "some green is growing around the tree" it is grammatically correct (and means pretty much the same thing, if you don't think green=cash) So why put the "stuff" there?
well ppl will start asking green what?? see if its moss mainly you can only say stuff if its like a plant i would say a green plant looking thing or a bunch of leafs etc
LOL, vines? I get what you mean, just that it still annoys me to no end... Same applies to "bunch", a bunch of paper, a bunch of flower, a bunch of people, a bunch of fish, a bunch of lions... ALL WRONG!
hehe i am not arguing just saying some things cant be described hehe you know what word i really dont like couple.....they always say let me get a couple and ppl usually take it literally and get 2 and sometimes a couple means sa few ehhh annoying
LOL, I always ask "how many?" if someone said "a couple" Just because couple literally means 2 Then said person proceed to "a few"... >:|
when ppl ask me to buy things they say couple i m like what the hell is couple they say couple like two but i started thinking if a bum asked you for a couple of dollars he dont literally mean two
LOL, I know that feeling. Though I never quite heard a bum asking for a "couple of dollars"... more along the lines of "spare SOME change" Equally confusing... But I guess he meant at least 3 coins? -unsure