Dang, girl... 10 hours on end? Girl or guy? lol Umm A's? haha I don't watch sports >.< dvds; buy, rent, or download?
Um.. So long i can't remember-lol Can you watch tv on ur computer? Geez this thread can go on for ever...
here *hands over $500* what are you doing right now, besides typing and sitting down on your chair next to your computer and staring at the screen? any interesting things?
yes, I'm reading your post.. and deciding how to kill this one stupid guy. haha mhmmm 10 hours.. and duh.. it was with a girl.. how in the world would you hold a conversation with a guy for 10 hours.. all they pretty much do is.. "huh?" "oh" "ya" "right" "kay" .. possible only sometimes.. soooo.. baseball or basketball?
i like watching basketball better, but i like playing baseball better, cuz for b-ball i never really scored. lol are you tall or short?
tough question... lemme think think... i wanna b a guy then i don't have to do chores and i can eat as much as i like without having to worry abt losing my figure... dun need to pend HEAPS of $$ on skincare products and cosmetic... but i gotta pay for all the gir's expenses n drive her home n pikc her up... but being a girl gets period pain n has to deal with pregnancy and age quicker... gosh... y did u ask such a hard question?? i'd rather b a guy wot's ur dream car??
U dun get hit by things, such as tall branches on trees or stuff like that!! MUHAHAHAHA Who do u admire the most?