
Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by fearless_fx, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    let's see ... how shall i put this as delicately as i know how ...
    1) politics - i do not think US is ready for an African American as their President; nor a woman. There are just too many religious fanatics that do not consider women as their equals or able to be President.
    2) African Americans cry foul all the time ... claiming they are the victims of racism. Go to an African American neighborhood in the LA area, and I'm sure you will feel and see racisms from them towards Asians and Caucasians.

    The point? the point is racisms does not only happen to African Americans; it happens to everyone of us depending where you are. sure it's not right to make comments that Don Imus made; but I think African Americans needs to take a chill pill and stop acting like they are the victims all the time!
  2. boalover16

    boalover16 Active Member

    y does racism still exist? i mean i think evryone has their own equal rights. God created us so we can live as families, and we should have respect. i hate it when ppl have 2 die just becauz of their race colour
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ On the other hand, the so-called equal do not exist. If you can only save one person from a deadly situation, one family member or some random dude, which one would you choose? Most, if not all, would chose to save the family member instead of a stranger, then if that stranger happens to belong to a different race/country etc, it explains why racism occurs.

    You hold some above others, be it family members, friends, neighbours, fellow country men/women etc. In which case, the priority goes to people similar to you, and thus racism.

    Of course, the manifestation of lynching or KKK is extremist, but it exist due to the same mental process.

    @ab289: the African Americans group is not the only group facing racism, yet they suffer some of the greatest loss from it, from the black slaves era to the lynching to KKK, America is secretly allowing things to happen that way instead of interfering the so-called American life. They suffer mostly from the socioeconomic gap between Black and White, which surely exist.
  4. johndoe_777777

    johndoe_777777 Active Member

    Racism exists in everyone... it doesn't matter what people say because some people might tell you that they are not racist but when in fact they are. They just don't want to be shun or contribute to that problem that society has... and in a way it is quite hypocritical because I believe that everyone at some point in time have been a racist... though we may not be aware of it. Even saying a word or just thinking a negative aspect pertaining to that certain group constitutes as racism. We're all hypocrites... that's the bottom line.
  5. zoom_zoom

    zoom_zoom Well-Known Member

    It's because racism is so integrated in society, no matter how little or how much exists. So in a way, people grow up with racism burned into them.