When I was about 10, I lived in the suburbs of sydney, auss. I've had so many racist encounters, I'll walk by and teens will tell me to go back to china, I've even had rocks thrown at me from across the street. But that is almost 20 years ago and I'm sure it's better now.
rich ass white poeple here think they are hot shit, the only thing i can't fight back against is when they say asians got small dicks when they don't even know shit, but they say it like they are better. There was even a indian dude that tried to fuck with me for like 2years. Im in hs now, last year me and my cousins egged this house. This halloween him and this Jew threw a pumpkin at my front door and placed sum soil on in the car leather(car is opened my accident at 1am). I was gonna go grafetti his entire house, but decided not too, cuz its too risky especially since his father is a judge/lawyer, though my cousin keeps telling me to. Shit is fucked up here, they look upon asians as second class, unless you a "twinkie" and white washed. Only like 5%asian here. BTW, its like 40% jewish here. Anybody who lives in the Suburbs in the US face the same thing?
white people asked me which noodles were best to make some type of meal. i was thinking i don't know!!! but i told the person to buy the more expensive one hehe =p
I live in Malaysia and so far I have never encountered any racial discrimination. Sometimes I do see advertisements that say they want a certain race or gender for a job / roommate / tenant. That's about it.
2 friggin white mom were like "watch out they're chinese" to their 4yr old daughters when my family was parking...damn..i would have yelled bak if my paretns weren't there... asians > white
my school basically lives on racist jokes, although my school has a good diverse culture, but its pretty ghetto, so every1 is all into the same thing, which is racis jokes and also discriminates against those whom are not "into the same thing" mainly the chinese XP and some of the other race
i duno....but readin some of your stories....i jus get pissed inside....racism really pisses me off...i mean...its koo if ure jokin wit ure friends and its mutual...but if its insulting etc....that really really gets me goin....
Yeah I know <_< but I rarely get it only happened once but people supoort u afterwards and those people get hated
no one dares to comment about the the asian race in where i live...if they do, a whole bunch of people is gonna jump them
I was born and raised in a white neighbourhood and went through a white school I got beaten up almost everyday at school, when I stood up for myself I got detention for fighting and the next day I got beaten up even more. I told the teachers and I got beaten up once again for speaking up. I had no backup, I was outnumbered. My friends are non asian and they just abandoned me in school and I can't walk around my neighbourhood without being harassed. People threw eggs at my house once in a while and I get chased a few times by a group of racists. I lived in hell and I was never made welcome in my country... although I am born in a western country I speak english better them many white people and I still call myself Chinese! but i'm still not accepted. There are more asians everywhere now, people might think that it has improved but really all that means is that the racisit learn to shutup and think twice about it as they might get the crap beaten out of them. Damn racisits! we only get stronger!
wow...I've never really experience that. My neighborhood was pretty accepting of ALL types of people. In fact, chinese were pretty popular (as the stereotypical smarty). However, there was this one time I went to Delaware, to a Costco, and as i was talking to my mom in chinese about what to get...this OLD UGLY GUY walks by us...and says.."Oh..Shut the fuck up!" and continues pushing his cart... The aisle, mind you was empty, and we were not speaking very loudly....and the lane was WIDE open, no blockage... Seriously...that guy needs to get laid or something, cause either he's one hell of a racist, or he's going through male menopause.
u shoulda have said somethign and made a scene or something..fuking ppl disrespect chinese ppl r just jealous..i was about to park my car in ikea's lot and this fukign white bitch tells her kids to watch out they're chinese..and it was loud...if only my family wasn't with me i would scare them....these white ppl need to know chinese is here for good and one day everywhere there will be chinese people
yeah... when i was lil some drunken white dude told me to go back to where i came from n i just told him to go to hell or a rehab