霍心儀 (李彩華飾) 「電影女星/章氏集團高級行政人員」。一生追求愛情,也追求財富。公主墮落紅塵,心儀學會了虛偽;重遇章學儒(唐文龍飾),讓心儀相信自己能像蝴蝶般破繭而出,美麗地翱翔。家庭巨變令她性格被磨練得剛毅堅強,事事死不服輸,遇強越強。善用手段、權術,深明在社會裡努上向上爬的法則,有時可以很圓滑,但始終有她的道德底線,往往就因為她這小小的堅持,令她吃苦頭。自尊心極強,不能忍受被人看扁,受壓下會變得狠辣,甚至為求目的不擇手段。對愛情十分專一,對家庭極為看重。對她來說,生命中的一切、金錢、利益、權力、名聲,其實都是為了讓家庭生活變得圓滿才有其存在價值,也為此,她願意付上一切代價去追求這些東西。歷盡滄桑起落,享盡榮華富貴,最後,心儀追求的只是重拾童年的一個夢…… what do u guys think of her acting/character in this series? personally i dont think she has enough experience/acting ability to carry a series, but i do like her and the series.. her character wise.. i cant believe that shes gonna become all evil and whatnot later on.. i mean i really do believe shes in love michael.. cant wait to see how she betray him?
well its good to see her acting again.....she is the only reason why i watching this series..... so far she's been ok.... nothing special... but the story line is good.... better than most recent tvb series which are lacking in depth.... this isnt.
this character she is playing is pretty much the same as the one she played in Lofty Waters Verdant Bow with raymond lam. also not very good at crying expressions.
Her crying is still just as bad as she is in verdant bow weapon. Her acting in that series was horrible and this series is just the same. I don't think she improve all that much.
her acting is starting to get on my nerves... bad crying scene and really bad when acting angry and she is sooo evil, dont like her character anymore!
she's pretty. the plot was pretty interesting and her acting wasn't REALLY bad. the series was okay overall. i liked it.