to me, rain can only dance - he can't really sing. i mean i saw his MV of the it's raining n i barely heard the words coming out from his mouth. jay on the other hand has the voice and is more creative, but kinda lacks the socializing skills that rain has. i don't know. btw i remember a while back i read something about rain coming to NY, but i forgot what and when. does anyone know why rain went to ny?
i like rain and jay. i like jay's songs but not really his singing, but he can rap. every time he sings i can't hear what he says and he mumbles a lot to when he sings. then there's rain. i think rain his cute when he sings but his voice is static. even with those faults i still like them both. the comments said are not to be disrespectful but, it's what i think.
wow..rain looks..pretty beat up and tired in that pic..jay is soo much better!!! he is a better singer
Don't like either of them, because they both don't have looks, and I prefer guys with looks, but I guess Jay is more talented in music, but heard that Rain can really dance which Jay really can't as well, so really can't choose, but really never like Jay's attitude much.
i like jay's music better but we shouldn't be comparing them. they're both really good in different ways.