7/10 cos its that weird monkey LOL its really hard to find bape clothes in london...maybe thats just me....lol but there;s lots in france...haha
6/10 she's pretty, but I'm not a fan of her. Mostly cause I haven't had the chance to watch a lot of Chinese movies. And not into Canto pop. Only the oldies.
^ AWW ITS CUTEEE.....7/10...LA....^^ PSSHHH....KUNG KUNG....YOUR AVA HO GWAI WAD DUT ARR....-100000 FOR YOUU...:kekekegay:
6/10, hes lying, hes not made of love ! dammit, post stolen again, 1/10 for nas's avy. wtf, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :tear: "sherng Hak Sei D Member mie?
^ damn blood fetish... 4/10 because there is no cute girls in the avvy lol not really.. it's been going on wayy before...