First saw him in tvb's series A step into the past I think it was called.. didn't really had any opinions about'em back then.. then I saw him in Twins of Dragons which I liked a lot.. and then I started to get into his music which i thought was very good.. My current opinion is that he's a good composer/singer.. plus a nice actor!
pretty much the only one i like out of all the male "newbies" from tvb. actually i like bosco too.. but mainly raymond. the rest seems to lack in acting skills.
I love raymond he had the same origin Fujian -tongue2 I would like to see in his new dramas (The drive of life and Tai chi)
Raymond Lam is madddddd hot! ^.^ He's also a very talented singer too! I love the song "Sum Ling" wen he sing wit Linda! I sing that song to my jiejie on her birthday.. haha
Raymond Lam,.. i will prefer to see him shot modern series rather then old version series, cos.. i watched him few series of older version such as " Fuk Yue Fan Wan", Double Dragon, Bou Yi San Siong.. feel tat, her acting almost the same de.... any way, he's quite cool and handsome at Heart Of Greed, quite like to see him..
Raymond is JUST PLAIN TALENTED! He is soo hot, sexy, manly, and looks like such a nice BOY! Raymond can SING AMAZINGLY, Act, cry and all needed for an actor. i simply adore RAYMOND! keep up the good work@