So what do guys think, after watching episode 9? Why do you guys think that General Ma wants to trick Consort Cho's hand in order to assasinate the king? What are of his intentions, or is he under his own will? Obviously, i don't think if he successfully killed the king would have made himself the emperor. He is evil, that's for sure. So is he doing this for his own selfish ambitions or is someone above him had ordered him to do that? As for Tavia's actions, do you think that when she revealed to the Grand Empress that Consort Cho fed the medicine to the king has made him terribly ill, that she was truly trying to save her own people, or does she have evil intentions of being jealous of Consort Cho's sudden skyrocketed fortune and power, and wants to undermine her and see her tragic end?
^ even though tavia tends to be jealous easily, i think she truly meant to save her people and also earn a bit of reward for saving the king .. killed two birds with one stone .. i don't think she wanted consort cho to die. in fact, i don't even think she was considering consort cho at that moment .. you know .. when you see the line toward the light .. you just follow without regards to anything on the side .. straight ahead .. i believe that's how she felt at that moment. based on the first episode .. i think tavia ended up hating the people so much was because no matter what good deeds she had done, she never get rewarded. she's being blamed for this and that .. put up with all the craps ... everyone has a limit and once that's reached .. everything will be blinded and all s/he sees is hatred .. lol
consort cho? the name is wrong on the first place. 1) General Ma isn't trying to kill the king, that's how i feel based on his reaction. His intention is just wanted Wai Fei to say good things about him in front of the Emperor. 2) Tavia just doing it to save Tam Sze Shin. yeah i also think she's gonna hate everyone cus she's been in so many misfortunes. I would if i were her lol, never get the same appreciation, attention, and recognizance, cant help but blame the world
that girl who got killed by general ma's henchmen is called "Cho Gwai Fei" also known as Concubine Cho or Consort Cho, so the name is correct.
^ yeah .. you're correct .. that's her .. i am surprised her life was short in the drama .. we're only on ep 8 and she's dead .. lol
I agree with Kay_xD and negiqboyz on the questions. I just can't believe Mandy's character died off so quickly. I think her total screen time was 30 mins if even? I would have wanted to see her more because she barely plays in any series.
^ her screen time was so short, i really don't see the reason for her to be in it at all. come on, i think her headdress, make-up, and costume probably take a lot of time to put together .. pointless to have only about 30 min screen time. i understand her acting ain't super good but i believe she does a better job than MYOLIE .. YUCK .. not yapping none stop .. lol
lol, the amount of time puttin on the hair doesn relate to the length of her part, its not pointless, look @ the mama in the beginning, a small part but she was praised by the viewers.
^ are you trying to say that a memorable role is not based on the length of screen time? what i was referring to in my post was the time investment into putting her costume, headdress, and make-up together .. should at least deserve longer than 30 min screen time. nothing to do with good or bad .. lol
^both, what about those who got their scenes cut even w/ a great amount of work? the script said she's meant to die real shortly, well...too bad, cant let her stay there longer tho the hair and costume is time-consuming.
^ anyway .. it's over. i am surprised how the fast the series progressed .. we're only on ep 10 and mose will become king next .. off topic but do you think the producer has broken down the drama into 3 chapters sorta like .. 1-10 => tavia early 11-20 => tavia consort 21-33 => tavia the witch .. lol
^i guess so, stages rise from being innocent to being evil cuz of hatred and jealousy plus misunderstandings. On its official site on TVB, they already leaked the story up to how Charmine & Tavia become concubines to Moses and Tavia's already evil by that point, prolly do that to attract ppl. And I def dont like them to drag, it would be annoyin'
^ you know .. i thought charmaine liked kevin .. i wonder how did she end up being one of mose's wives .. lol .. when is general ma gonna take the throne .. lol .. hope it won't be the last 3 chapters .. then he dies .. lol
^ yeah .. why not .. i think most people are focusing on tavia's character anyway .. not mose's .. lol
From the trailer... looks like Moses will take Charmaine as his wife after Kevin is missing/dead??? In a way it is to protect Charmaine....