hmm, so you're on the rebound... well thinking of it again, what if both parties are on the rebound??? i think it could work well that way lol. so where do u live? =P i wouldn't want to be stuck in that kind of relationship either... with someone with a lot of bad qualities... scary. what are your bad qualities? =P
lol!!! are you sure its a good tthing to ask a girl their BAD qualities? she might just laugh it off haha!! no girls want to talk bad about them self xD
lol then again, that's the same with guys... my bad qualities are... being too attractive. lolll jkjk
no no that's not what i ment i'm really picky and i choose not to start up a relationship just because i'm lonely cause when that happens, you often end up being with someone that you would have never picked if you were at a happy state. and the reasons that you would have not picked him will be the things that can cause issues in your relationship causing a big cycle of bad relationships