recieving a gift from someone you dont like

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. nunubutt

    nunubutt Well-Known Member

    as long as you make it clear that accepting that gift isn't accepting emotions then if they insist i suppose take it. but if they keep insisting giving gifts to get you to accept yur emotions sooner or later you're gonna have to adamantly reject the gift one way or another.
  2. its easy to say "Tell her no" etc but in a real situation it can be very tricky as you do not want to hurt the other persons feelings. imo you should accept the gift as it is a good thing to give gifts but when the other person sees that you look at her and talk to her the same way, she will see that you truly are friends and hopefully she will leave it at that.

    OR just do what girls do and say "Oh your like a brother/sister to me" then its all over.