a decent wipe won't take that long...maybe a few hours. Partition magic only takes about 2-3 hours for a 160gb drive. i still don't quite get what we are trying to do here negiqboyz...more info would be better
Thanks ya'll! Well, here's the problem. I have 3 CDs - Quick Restore and 1 CD - Application/Drivers. I followed the advice and boot from the CD; however, after it started and about half way in the restoration; it switched to the screen that asked for "to start in safe mode" or "normally". I pressed normally, the "Window" screen load up but then again, go back to the screen that asked to "start in safe mode" or "normally". I pressed all the other options subsequently but it kept going back to the same screen. I shut off and restart again, again, and again .. about 4x but it keeps turned up the same. I guess I might need to wipe everything off and start new like someone just mentioned in an earlier post; but how do I do that?
it seems like he's just booting from disk, as opposed to doing any install... i thought wat u wanted was a fresh install of windows (to do a quick wipe of all previous data) well if u do a "proper" wipe, 750gb ur looking at pretty much nearly a whole day and even that still isn't a full "proper" wipe... the joys of hafing to do forensic wipes...