u need quite a bit of patience and perserverance but its a bloody waste of time, thinking back to all those hours lost
no i don't think so... i havent been on it lately... but it was maintening yesterday i guess it added it then
omg i finally see it. its actually in ur restaurant kinda thing =.=" i was looking from the outside of my restaurant
anyone here wanna add me for the visiting recipe? or wanna trade? i need lettuce ingredient!!!! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=699276579&ref=name here's my FB, if u add me just put PA-RC, i mite remove tho shortly after
this game was first of all fun but now that i have reached the top level and the system keeps crashing there is no point to carry on playing this game if only playfish sorted out the stupid game
add me on fb too i need items xD http://www.facebook.com/search/?flt=1&q=hawwa yuu ho&o=2048&sid=807060192.2665514171..1 ...... i need quite alot of stuff aswell ... ^_^ btw say from PA so i know ^_^
i need chili pumpkin banana strawberry pork .. any one?... tell me wat you need and ill see if i can get them...