lol... who would bust into a bathroom with an axe... I think it would be more hilarious in a gorilla costume -lol
some psycho dude would bust into a bathroom with an axe. Gorilla costume = makes me think of King Kong
nah the idea is too played out now... ya know what I wanna do.. I wanna get one of those BIg Ass Cellphones and just scream at it while other people are at the urinals... -lol.... damn I love watchin' trigger happy tv.
when i was in kindergarten i walked into the boys bathroom...this was when i was still in china...i could read the chinese characters very well and i was new at the school. it was pretty funny too. i walked in and did my business then as i was washing my hands i noticed that everyone in there were boys...i was like "what the" then i realized that i was in the boys bathroom >_<...although the boys didn't notice that i was a girl...since i had a boyish haircut and had on somewhat boyish clothes...they probably thought i was a boy too which was why they didn't scream when they saw me...after that...i went home and learn the characters for boy and
would be caught for tresspassing if I went into the wrong one On a sidenote, i remember when i was in school , I was in a group who did an art project on the different designs of the signs outside restrooms. we went all over the place and photographed a lot of the designs representing genders. It was pretty interesting.
my friend went in the washroom on sunday and after a few seconds i saw a black dude come like wtf...then later my friend told me the guy was like u're in the rong washroom to and hse said no then he left and he didn' even use the other washroom...i guess he was just some ham sup lo trying to get some..
^ Haha! That's so funny. Yeah, I remember when I was younger, I was in the washroom, then this old man comes in... and I'm like... uh... you're in the wrong washroom... (this was after he did his business) and he was like... oh... so I am... and just walked out... didn't even wash his hands... >.< lol.