I know it's a bit early to say much about the drama since we're only 4 episodes into the series. For me though, it is off to a pretty bad start with really pathetic case and humors. I am not expecting NCIS type of cases since this is more on comedy and family oriented; nevertheless, I'd like to see more interesting and mysterious cases later in the drama rather predictable ones; making it boring and draggy to watch.
i'll come back when it's near the end xDD 合家歡嘅drama, don't expect too much, this is not gonna turn out to be real gr8 but, whatever worth a "laugh"
This is looking to be like an exact replica of D.I.E 1, can't really ride off the same success for a sequel by copying all the elements can you?
watch da 1st 4 eps n so far so gud i think gettin interesting wif da cat thing investigation cnt w8 till nxt ep!!!!
the cases are interesting.....as for the acting......does feel different from DIE I, but i still watch it. But, I don't like how they ended Derek and Margie's relationship in the story. Although I didn't really think they were a good match in the beginning, but to just say Margie went abroad and doesn't want to return to HK, is so forced. i like how many of the characters and themes are still the same. Like how Madam Ying is always chasing Dai Hao Ying.
is it me or is the storyline getting boring already? from ep 6, we know that the guy did kill the gal .. he just set up the whole things so that everyone thought he has a premonision or something bad will happen with the act out at the police station and the bookcase full of weird books .... getting the police to stay with him at the house yet he wasn't around .. the clock is probably set as well as the food so that they can serve as alibis .. i guess, it's just a matter of time before he find the clue to break the case ..
That's what I thought as well,(similar) this guy is just trying to make up an alibis using the police.
There is no way that you can compare this to any CSI type of show. This show is more like Ghost Busters with a police twist, and it dedicated to comedy through the paranormal. There really is little ground for comparison, especially if one looks at the Cat Claw case. Those claws looked rather incapable as a murder weapon but in this setting, they were shown as being particularly lethal. Hence, the normal rules of evidence and probability are not even within this drama's purview.
lol i think they are pretty funny(cause i love the whole die team, well at least all the ones from the first die) mostly corny stuff but funny. And yea the cases are all completely predictable before he solves it.
Anyone knows if there was an alternative ending to D.I.E 1? I thought Roger Kwok died in the end and there is no explaination why is he alive in D.I.E 2?
That's what I thought too ... until someone mentioned about the alternative ending which I had no clue .. oh well, just go with the flow and watch whatever .. it's not like it's any different between this and die 1 .. the cases are more boring on this one though.
yeap, there was an alternate ending. i saw it on youtube before, but i can't find it anymore >< i quite like DIE 2 tho
interesting series. its not very scary but mysterious..something to keep you thinking. and lots of humor. ending reminded me of saw..which i didnt want to remember. but it was better than saw b/c there were actually other ways out. pretty good!