i dont think he can act well, he comes off as arrogant in real life, but i did feel a little sad when he got killed off in the brink of law.
haven really make a breakthrough in acting. but his dance move is great. surprisingly he got pot belly. LOL
Pot belly ?? I guess it shows that nobody is perfect. Anyway, his pot belly was noticeable in The Academy, but I think he did lost some weight since then so don't know if is still there.
i dont understand why ron is so popular? in my opinion he is not great at singing or dancing; he has bad vocals and dancing moves are i dont know how to explain.... the only things that are ok about him is his ok acting and ok physical appearance....<_<
He looks like my little brother in the last pic . Anyway, his acting is o.k now, don't really like his singing though.
HAHAHAHAHHA!! omgoshhh. ron! he's super pretty. but i love other actors more like bosco, and raymond. but he's still SUPER!
i don't think ron was the one who betrayed sammul cause they seem so friendly during the promotion for on the first beat...
wow i thought he was hella tall, but after seeing the info he's less than 5 cm or 1 inch taller than me.
ehhhh ron is doing better and better i guess. i actually liked him in RODV and he did a pretty good job in Brink of Law. His singing can definately be improved though..... like on the theme to "On the First Beat"
I think the profile on Page 1 is slightly wrong. He's education is only up to Form 3 and he doesnt have a brother. On the other hand, i do think he has improved in his acting esp his facial expressions and eye movements--in OTFB anyway.