michael miu is pretty evil... sending that conversation recording to the police in epi 9 =.= now ron's career is over ~~
man, i just can't stand ron's acting.. all he can do is protray some hot head and can't act for shit. all these years this haven't changed in any of his series that hes been.
i still dont see how he can go undercover, since there are people in the "black community" who knows rons a cop, like laughing and how gor
they will make it official he lost his job and he has no choice or nowhere to go... its like the dark side ....clouding over him...
lol letting an ex-cop to join the "black community"? thats like letting a ex-criminal to join the police force anyways we'll see
That's a HUGEEE plot hole... What is going to happen so that it all works out, does Ron have to neuralyze everyone?
LOL Whoooooo he's starting la!! ^^ Kekeke... But still kinda weird how hes jumpin into the gu wak jai scene already straight tho =/
I agree, it's kinda dumb to just show him go gansta after leaving the police force. At least show that he try to look for other jobs, but when they find out why he left the police force, no one would hire him. Thus forcing him to go gangsta or something.
Wow, they condensed his progression into the triad in the last 2 minutes of today's episode. Wasn't that supposed to be the bulk of the plot? I wonder what is going to happen in the remaining 16 episodes... I bet they're just gonna drag it till we stop caring
i know haha speeded right up.. i wonder if the next chapter will speed up for like another few months haha...-smart
it's a unique way of having him a undercover cop. I don't think we've ever seen a series were we actually know someone is a undercover cop until the end of the series.
^lol you must be kidding me...if that happens then the shows broken. NO LEADER REVEALS SHIT ABOUT HIS UNDERCOVER COP TO ANYBODY unless he was at gun point or the undercover guy dies, i think it's against the law.