Say NO to toys

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by negiqboyz, May 4, 2011.

  1. kwok-ki

    kwok-ki Member

    I agree :) hahaha
  2. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    agreed 100%

    just because you got harmed by toys doesn't mean the toy actually hurt u. If someone was to be blamed it wil be you and your wife although i did say earlier dont want to doibt it but it is on the hands of the parents to teach their kids to do it. Kids dont have the natural instict to do such things unless disciplined. Throwing the toys and banming the toys will resort them to either play outside more or become a couch potato inside of actively playing toys that could make them physically move around like luttle exercises

    Also to saying that a toy has no educational use for it is a lie. Kids like fun colours and sounds therefore toys that allows kids to drive or learn their abcs. I remember my parents bought me one of those talking globes and it had automated quizzes on it.
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Hulk smash hot wheels.
  4. ^ I think the hot wheels hulk smashed his ankle
  5. Maybe u should watch where u walk next time? :whistling:
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Internalization or externalization in the assignment of blame has been a classic example of how egos deal with bad events. If we saw someone say, ...trip over a crack in the sidewalk, we likely think "such a clumsy person who doesn't watch where he's going," but if we ourselves trip over such a crack, we almost automatically think, "what a bad state of repair the sidewalk is in; why can't they fix it?"

    In other words, Negiqboyz's reaction is the perfect example of how he externalizes responsibility (ie blames someone else) for the mishap, while others here tend to think that he (responsibility internalized ie the problem was with him) should have been watching where he was walking. This isn't an observation as to who is right or wrong, but just a statement in just how the mind of most people tend to operate.
    #26 ralphrepo, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  7. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Omg lol, that's exactly what I wrote about in my psych exam on Tuesday but with a different example xD
  8. or... he got lil kids like this runnin' around his house just waiting for the perfect opportunity..

  9. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Totally not like Insidious at all!
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    It's good to know they still teach this stuff ;)
  11. Indeed, this is very true but i know when to admit when i completely "pok guy" which doesn't happen often.
  12. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Let me clear things up here.

    1. Vicodin .. old problematic ankle from boxing .. the fall and twisting immediately numbed my feet with a bit of bone sticking out of the flesh and bleeding.

    2. NO to toy ... if ya'll read my post, then you would know that I said, I have a ROOM full of toys already for different age groups and will not buy anymore from now on. Furthermore, my kid is in preschool so she's hardly home beside night time and they have all the toys,teaching, and kid interaction there that would foster the kid mental development.

    3. My kid is only 3 years old; still wearing DIAPER so I am potty training her now. Teach her to clean up? I wish she can understand and clean up after herself each time too.

    4. Back to the toys, I didn't refrain her from playing. I said NO to toys because it's dangerous not just to adults but kids themselves .. like cars .. they can step on it and fall just like me. It's not just about cleaning up after playing; know what I mean? I rather she walks and falls then trips on a toy.

    5. Mental development .. like I said .. I don't believe it for my child. Ralph said so too. It's not about the toy; it's the parents' teaching. As a parent, you gotta understand your child.

    6. Poor countries .. toy = playtime = imagination .. kids gotta work in the field or beg for money on the street .. they don't even know what toy is or playtime. Imagination and creativity starts from the teaching of parents (their stories). @Aoes .. have you been or actually lived in a poor countries before?

    Keep in mind, I was ranting. I bet some people just read the heading "say no to toys" and started commenting.
  13. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    1) Hope you're feeling better, but damn, knowing you have a bum ankle you'd think you'd watch where you're going...

    2) You said "NO to Toys"... you didn't say "No to BUYING MORE TOYS"... Raising a child doesn't start at pre-school and end at pre-school... just because she plays and learns in pre-school, doesn't mean she can't continue to do so at home after pre-school...

    3) AND 4) You said yourself that you have a ROOM full of toys, why wasn't she playing in that room? If you felt the toy cars were dangerous, why didn't you put them away and immediately after you received them? You knowingly allowed your child to play with dangerous toys?

    5) Mental development, we never said toys were required, we said toys are a path, a choice, a way for children to express themselves during play-time... do Children need playtime? I think so, yup...

    6) Kids don't work 24/7 in the field or begging in the street... I know in India you get mobbed by over 9000 children a minute asking for money, rubbing and tugging at you, but these children don't beg every second of their life... again, shows your ignorance to believe that children in the 3rd world can't afford toys and don't have playtime... On the other hand, you could be right, some children might not have the luxury to have play time and play with toys... but are you really willing to take that away from your child because you tripped over a toy car, which as you stated, your child is too young to understand what happened...
  14. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    2) You may have a room full of toys already but like aoes said, wouldn't that be the "play room" where the toys stay at and play? I have seen houses where one room is dedicated for the kid (no matter what age they are) to play in. Kids may have fun and have interaction in their pre-school but a kid also needs the interaction with their parents too hence maybe why there are toys at home for the parents to play with their kids to interact with each other? It may be hard coz you are in education and working but interacting with your kid is important too (not saying that you are not)

    3) & 4) I have seen my friends making "tidying up" as a friend for their little toddlers in nappies. Like you and Ralph said you have to understand your child, so say if your child likes rewards, at first your do it with her a few times and reward her say a golden star which leads to a bigger prize or simply a sweet or two. A three year old could understand what is a treat and I assume that she understands what you talk about when you speak to her, i assume a simply interaction together like tidying up together will actually help her know to tidy up. Also tidying up and potty training is two different things to compare with imo
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Room .. there is a dedicated family/play room for the toys but toys are everywhere in the house .. bathroom, bedroom, playroom, kitchen, garage .. through out the house. She likes to play with it when she's eating, bathing, etc .. you name it.

    Reward ... not now .. still too young to understand that.

    Poor countries .. children don't have the luxury of playtime because when they're not at work, there are chores at home to be done.

    Tripping over a toy car is a wake up call for me .. yes, indeed, I might take away the toys but not playtime .. instead of toys .. how about playing the piano, drawing, etc .. lol
  16. hell.. make her learn the violin.. ballet.. chess...

    lol have your girl know 琴, 棋, 書 ,畫
  17. Someone's going to hate you lol