I only have one more day...wahhh...i guess i mite have to do one present instead... it mite be crappy...
FINAL DAY...24TH DECEMBER..!! ALL PRESENTS SENT TO ME BY.. 17.00pm (chicago time) 18.00pm (canadian time) 23.00pm (uk time) 00.00am (sweden/netherland time) [25th december] 07.00am (hk time) 10.00am (sydney time) just make sure its done and sent...24th december 23.00pm UK TIME
Right Click > New > Text Document > Open New Text Document.txt > Type "Merry Christmas" > Attach and send to BB. Lol
so scrwedddddddd...i dont' know how to use those computer programs like paint of photoshop....ahhh bbear wat u mean by canadian time lol....its different time zones here!! thess like 6 time zones!
i dunno whutt canadian time.. just make it sent to me by 23.00pm uk time.... people from canda work out the time for me i dunno the time diffs -blush2
im tiredd....i have no time to do this tomoro so ya...i just tried my best lol....bbear...i emailed u