thank you very much my secret santa, the second gift was funny lol. How did khaotic find my photo? =O lol but still, nice present lol
yes it finally work.! lol. my name's on the gift..oops..i should let them guess instead.. THNKX to mi secret santa =)) awesome, rap? haha, it's super fab.
Thanks to whoever my Secret Santa is. I'm still downloading it but it seems like you put a lot of effort into it. I'll post again once the file is done downloading. On a side note: I see my signature in one of the gifts! WOOHOO! EDIT: ROFL!!! My Secret Santa is a funny funny man/woman. HAHAHAA oh my god I was laughing for a good 10 minutes after I unzipped my gift. Hahaaha pimp santa. Thanks again and Happy Holidays.
hehehehe yup we have some v. creative people..^^ kekeke...who'd have thought it...i managed to pull it off...w00T w00T..!!..couldn't have done it without all the santas though...-bigclap-bigclap said that she was going to announce it tomorrow on page 1 right? i dunno why u guys cant wait to reveal?
LOL...but my gift receiver still hasn't got my present i was kinda i think i sound
LOlxD that's the point, something dirty in this white shiny x'mas D HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO U ALL !!! -lol